Page 21 of Dirty Chaos

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“You’ll always be my business.”

“Not while you’re fucking whores.”


“No, Dirty, we have a meeting to get to, so fuck off.” I walk past him, and my heart hurts just a little. What I wouldn’t give to reach out, touch him, anything right now but I hold back. I’m strong. I’m a badass, strong woman. I can do this.

“What’s she doing here?” is called out by a few men and Hangman bangs his gavel.

“This meeting is about the bitches. We need Anara here because she has something to tell us.”

I clear my throat, and start. “Two of the women have turned up with an STD, Chlamydia to be exact, so y’all need to get tested. If you’ve been fucking around on your Old Ladies, they need to know because chances are they have it, too.”

All the men’s faces pale and a few quickly get up and leave. I look at Hangman and he shoots everyone a look.

“Which women?” is asked by an older guy. I think his club name is Slasher, but I wouldn’t really know.

“Layla and Ren.” Three more men get up and run out of the room, including the man that just asked the question.

Dirty sits at the table, pale as fuck. “Fuck me, I’ve been with both of them,” he mutters so low you almost couldn’t hear it. But I did.

Fuck. “Great, thanks, fuck-face, now I have to get tested, and Hunter, too!” I snap at him.

He pales even more and stands up, wobbling slightly. “I’m sorry, so fucking sorry.”

He rushes out of the room, dry heaving, and all that’s left is me, Rage, Wiz, Manic, and Hangman.

“Well, that was eventful,” I say, taking a seat in the chair Dirty just left.

“Anything else about the women we should know about?”

“Yeah, one more. I can’t remember her name, big tits, blonde, curly hair, shit her name starts with a K...anyway, she’s pregnant and needs money to get an abortion.”

“Krystal, fuck me. How is this shit still happening? First Chasity rocks up here pregnant and now Krystal. Haven’t we gotten enough of these bitches knocked up?”

I rock back at his words, Chasity is pregnant? Could it be Dirty’s?

If it is, he’s done. Over for good. There is no coming back from that, I will not help raise another woman’s child. Not when Chasity is its mother. Fuck that, maybe that makes me sound like a bad person, but no, fucking, thank you.

“I vote we switch to the shot. Pills are easy to get forgotten or missed. And the shot is better anyway.”

“We tried that before, a lot of the girls didn’t like it,” Hangman says, waving a hand.

“Then we can go with an IUD, that’s the next backup option, it’s good for five years. If the girls don’t like it, they can leave,” I say, shrugging.

“Set that up, that’s a good idea. Have Doc get everything sent over to the apartments by the weekend.”


“Right, Doc, not a club member but he’s on our payroll. He helps with all the testing and birth control shit for the girls. Helps patch up our members, too. We’ve tried to get him to join the ranks but he doesn’t want this life. Don’t really blame him.”

I noticed Decker wasn’t here, but I’m worried about being too nosy. Instead, I pull out my phone and text Melissa asking if she’s heard anything.

“Anyway, I should go. Got shit to do—paperwork at the apartments—and I’m on the hunt for a new girl since I kicked out Chasity.”

Hangman nods and Wiz and Manic both give me handshakes. If I wasn’t focused on the two men in my life, I would say they were hot and wouldn’t mind taking them for a ride. Me sandwiched between two giant nerds, yum. I quickly shake off that thought, because I so do not need to go man-crazy right now, and head on out.

Getting to my car, I find Dirty is leaning against it.
