Page 24 of Dirty Chaos

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“Really?” she breathes.

“Yeah, it will take time, but I’ll make it happen. Kind of like the idea that when I’m not around, you’ll have someone to look after you, and vice versa for him, too, probably.”

I shouldn’t be taking this so well. But fuck, it’s either do this or lose her, and I’m not losing her. Once claimed by the Untamed, there’s no out. She’s Untamed property, so fuck it if she thinks she can just toss me aside. She’d end up causing a war, a war we wouldn’t want to be in, since Chaos is also Justine’s brother.

Fuck, this is all messed up. But I’ll do it. I’ll do it for her. Even if it means sharing her, and giving up other women. I have to.

Chapter Eighteen


Finishing up the last of my paperwork, I head out and see a movie in session. This time, it’s a threesome, a scene that I have a feeling will be happening between Anara, Dirty, and I at some point. My cock hardens, making Anara happy is all that matters to me.

Since cleaning up the club and moving our location we’ve become more family focused. Everything we do is because of our loved ones. A lot of brothers left the club because of it, because we didn’t want the whores around, didn’t want shady dealings anymore.

Hell, we just had a meeting with Hangman and gave his club our gun and drug trade. That had a few more members leaving. My charter has never dealt in flesh, except building up this porn studio. At least porn is a legitimate business.

We’re almost at the end of dismantling the Jacks Devils. Everyone needs to either get on board or join a new club. Our numbers are dwindling, to the point that our club is mostly really just a riding club, and nothing’s wrong with that. Hell, that would be better than anything to be honest. Just a place for us to come, party, hang out. Be a brotherhood without all the illegal shit that goes with it.

I wouldn’t go as far as the Angels Warriors, but at least what they do is honorable, too.

“You out?” asks Bruno, my brother who is an expert with a camera.

“Yeah, heading out to Anara’s. She asked to meet, wants to have a talk.”

“Good to see, man, glad she’s giving you another chance. You’ve been moping around for the last however many years like a dog needing a bone.”

I chuckle at that, slap him on the shoulder, and take off.

When I get to Anara’s house, I notice Dirty’s bike in the driveway. Well shit, wonder what I’ll be walking into.

I knock on the door and twist the door knob finding it unlocked and head inside.

“What’s up, man?” I say to Dirty, once I get to the living room.

Dirty’s head snaps to me and he looks to Anara in confusion. “What’s going on? Why’s he here? I thought we were talking.”

Anara chews her bottom lip and sighs. “Yes, but if this is going to happen, we sort of all need to sit and talk. Hunter has every right to be here, just like you do.”

“She’s right, man, we gotta talk shit out. I’m assuming since you’re here you’ve already worked out your shit?” I ask him, taking a seat on the couch.

“It’s not fully worked out because I’m having a hard time with trust. But Sam, here, has said he’s moving back in and fighting for us. So, it’s a start,” Anara tells me.

I nod. “Good, if he’s moving in, then so am I. I have a shitty-ass apartment and moving in might help this relationship move along better.” Picturing her sandwiched between us guys makes me hot as fuck. “Does this mean you’re willing to get my brand on you, too?”

She nods shyly. “You’ll have to work it out with my current tattoo, I want to show you both off proudly. But there are no promises. We’re going to live together, date each other, move slow—well, kinda slow—I did sort of move too fast with you both sexually already.” She shakes her head. “But we try this, this isboth of your last chance. I’m not doing this shit again. I’m not going to be the laughing stock of the town. I work with those girls at the apartments, so I’ll know. No more whores.”

Dirty hangs his head down, but nods. “What about on the road?”

Is this fucker stupid?

Anara runs a tongue across her teeth, deep in thought. “You know what, what happens on the road stays there. But the minute it comes home, or I find out about it, that’s it. I will l burn your shit. It will be done. But Dirty, if you have to even ask me something like that, you don’t really want me.”

“Fuck, it’s not that. It’s just I don’t even know...” he trails off, looking down at the floor.

I speak up next. “That’s fine with me, I don’t want any whores. Hell, we just voted them all out of my clubhouse, we’re focused on family. The only business we do is own a mechanics shop and dabble in porn.” Her brows go up at that.

“And do you star in any of the films?” she asks innocently, repeating what we said a few weeks back when we were out to supper. I’m sure it’s just to mock me in front of Dirty.
