Page 8 of Dirty Chaos

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“Seriously, fuck are you doing here?” Dirty asks me again.

“Probably same as you, asshole.”

“Anara’s mine,” he says, getting in my face.

“You lost her, just like I did, but I’m going to do my damnedest to win her back,” I snarl in his face.

He shoves me and I shove him back, when the door opens again and suddenly, I’m wet.

“Get off my property. Seriously,” Anara says, standing in the doorway holding a bucket that had been filled with water.

Dirty shakes out his long hair and goes to move towards Anara but I hold him back. “Let go of me, jackass.”

“She wants us gone, so we’re gone,” I state calmly. I’ll respect Anara’s wishes, for now. But now that I’ve seen her, I’m coming back. I’m in this for the long haul.

“Hunter!” she calls out as I walk to my bike. I turn around and look at her. “I’ll meet you at Deluxe tonight, six o’clock. We’ll talk,” she says, biting her lip and Dirty growls.

I nod. “I’ll be there.”

“What about me, huh? You were just in my bed a month ago!” Dirty shouts.

“Yeah, well it wasn’t just my bed, was it? So, fuck you.” She slams the door shut again, and Dirty’s shoulders slump.

“I fucked up so bad,” he says to himself.

“Don’t worry, man, I fucked up, too.”

“Yeah, and you’re getting to talk to her tonight.”

“Your shit is still fresh in her mind, give her time, man.”

Dirty looks at me, confused. “What’s your game plan?”

I shrug. “Just want her happy. That’s all. But I’m not giving up, if that means I end up having to share her with you so be it.”

“The fuck? Share her?”

“Told you, I ain’t giving up on her this time, I let her go once, but not again. And I know she loves you, she’s just angry right now. Man the fuck up if you want her back.”

I hop on my bike and take off. I have a date to get ready for.

Chapter Seven


Can’t believe I’m meeting up with Hunter tonight, something I never thought I’d ever do again in a million years. I mostly did it to spite Dirty. When I told Hunter I’d meet up with him, Dirty looked gutted. Good.

But it also hurt, too, I love Dirty, love him beyond anything in this world. But what he did, I just can’t forgive him for. And enough time has passed with Hunter, I don’t know. Seeing Hunter again, my heart raced like it used to when we first got together.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve missed him. My heart is torn, how could I still love Hunter after everything he did to me, after all these years? But also still be madly in love with Dirty? I don’t know what to do.

I decide to call Justine, needing her advice. As much as I love Melissa, sometimes someone with more bluntness is what’s best. And that person is Justine.


“Hey, it’s Anara.”

“Hey, girl, what’s going on?” she asks.
