Page 9 of Dirty Chaos

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“I need some advice.”

“Hit me with it.”

I tell her about what happened, with Hunter and Dirty, how I’m meeting up with Hunter to talk. Everything. And she just listens without interrupting me.

Finally, when I’m finished, she whistles. “Girl, you have two insanely hot men fighting over you. Damn, that’s hot. If I was you, I’d let them talk, lay everything out on the table and see where it leads you. You don’t have to trust them or forgive them right away. It takes time, I’m still struggling with Hangman but we’re taking it day by day.”

“So, I should text Dirty to meet up then?”

“I would hear him out. Yeah, he’s fucked up, but you obviously still love him. Maybe do non-exclusive for a while, so no one gets hurt?”

I frown. I don’t like that, but maybe she’s right.

“And what about Hunter? That’s heavy shit.”

“Yeah, I know, I didn’t think I still had feelings for him, but seeing him again today, my heart just...I have no words.”

“Girl, date them both. See where it takes you. Don’t choose between them.”

Could I do that, date two men?

“I’ve talked with Melissa. Before Dray—her ex—was killed, she was in a relationship with both Slammer and him. They were making it work. I don’t see why you can’t.”

“You’re right. I just don’t want to jump into something too quickly.”

“Take it slow. Just have fun. You’re still young, you have time. Be free, girl.”

I chuckle at her. “You’re right, I’ll let you go because I’m meeting Hunter in thirty.”

“Later, and call me if you get laid.” I laugh and hang up.

Jennifer and Justine both took their men back when they cheated, so why can’t I? I don’t want to be a doormat and have people look at me with pity or think I’m stupid. I don’t even know how tonight is going to go, we’re just going to talk.

Maybe Hunter just wants to be friends or something and I’m just getting ahead of myself. I don’t know. Things are so fucked up.

My phone rings and I see it’s Hangman. Frowning, I answer the phone. “Hangman?”

“Hey, Anara, you home? Can I come by for a minute?”

“Um sure?” I’m so confused right now.

“Be there in five,” he says and hangs up.

It’s more like two minutes and he’s in my driveway, I open the door and let him inside.

“What’s going on?”

“I want to know if you want a job.”

I frown. “What kind of job?”

“I put a vote to the club last night, it didn’t pass. But it got me thinking. Jennifer doesn’t want to deal with the whores anymore, and that leaves me in a bind. I need someone to manage them.”

His words shock me, why would he put me in charge of the whores?

“You have free rein, you get to let people go, and hire new girls. You’ll be paid a lot. Because it’s a hassle and the girls are bitches. Hell, you can even rat out to the Old Ladies if the whores cheat with a taken man.”

My brows go up in surprise. That’s new; normally, it’s a club thing where it’s all a secret. “I can tell the girls who they can and can’t fuck?”
