Page 92 of A Million to Blow

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“Dupont is our guy. Where is he?” I rush into the phone.

“Been MIA for the last twenty-four. I was just about to call you,” he replies.

“Fuck.” I hang up and start for the door.

I need to get to Sid.

Chapter 43

Adding Up


I can’t believe someone killed Fran. She wasn’t the nicest person in the world, but I’m still in shock over her murder. I can’t for the life of me figure out why someone would kill her and dump her body in Clay’s office. Just the thought sends a shiver through me.

I pace the apartment, wishing Marnita or Chloe were here to help calm my nerves. Clay looked like a raging bull when he left the apartment after dropping me off. He ordered me not to leave the apartment.

I’m to wait for his friends to arrive. I have to say, when he said Grim and Reap were the ones I should wait for, I had to wonder what kind of friends my husband has. Those are not the names of your friends you invite over for a formal dinner party.

The doorbell rings and I feel a little relief. Hopefully, that’s either Clay’s friends or Chloe. Either would be better than me sitting in here going crazy by myself.

I’m not thinking straight when I open the door without looking out first. There were two guards out there earlier. I curse myself when I open the door to the barrel of a gun being pointed in my face. I’m even more surprised by the person holding the gun.

Patrick Dupont.

I’m in stunned confusion as he backs me into the apartment, closing the door behind him. I quickly look around for a weapon of my own but nothing useful is in reach.

“Hello, Sidney,” Patrick purrs.

“Patrick,” I breathe, licking my dry lips.

“Do you have any idea how close I was to walking away with fifty million dollars before you opened your fucking mouth? It took me years to figure out how to skim and funnel out all that cash. Then you went and started making all that money, drawing eyes and questions.

“Dear old Fran came into the picture with her plan to take down your boyfriend at the perfect time. I could kill two birds with one stone.” He chuckles.

“What?” I whisper.

“That bitch thought she could use me. I was even going to leave my wife for her. How was I supposed to know she was obsessed with Wade Claremont? All this shit was to get back at him and Hennessy. That bitch was crazier than I am.” He throws his head back and releases a crazy laugh.

“According to her, they took everything from her. I didn’t give a fuck about your husband. It was you that I wanted to pay. You fucked everything up, you nosy-ass bougie bitch,” he hisses.

I ball my fists at my sides, biting back my retort. The hood in me wakes all the way up. For one, I don’t like that he’s backing me up like he’s trying to corner me. Two, he has one more time to call me out my name.

I want to swing and punch him right in the throat. I tamp down my anger. I need to make it out of here alive.

“Why are you here now?” I ask, trying to stall for time.

“Entitled bitch,” he snarls and throws a punch at my face. I stumble back, catching myself on the accent chair. My first reaction is to go on the attack, but he shoves his gun in my face.

“Don’t even think about it,” he growls. “Fran was a lying bitch, there was nothing in her accounts. She had no fucking money. All her promises were bullshit. That bitch was going to get us both locked up or killed.

“I killed her first and planned to take what was mine, but the bitch had nothing. Can you believe that? Now your husband…he has a shit ton. Since you’re the bitch who cost me everything I worked for, I figure he owes me,” he replies with a sinister grin.

My stomach turns sour, this isn’t going to end well. I think of screaming in hopes that Cane and Ally are home and might hear me. I just don’t know if I can rely on either of them. They’ve been acting so fucking strange, I’m not willing to bank my life on them.

Patrick doesn’t look like I can talk him down from this. From the snarl on his lips to the crazy eyes and sweat covering his face, I’d say that’s a big no. I’m slim on options, but I’m not just going to let this fool kill me.

“Have you seriously thought this out?” I question, trying to buy more time.

“For the last five months. I knew things were going to go south the moment you walked into that club. Fran lost control the second you hooked up with Hennessy. She just couldn’t see it. Her plan to pin it all on her love-struck twit of a sister and that pompous ass Claremont was weak at best.

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