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“Take your time.”

My frown deepens. I don’t like her tone. I wish I knew what she’s thinking. Her body is so tense and she’s giving off a standoffish vibe. I run a hand down her arm and give her wrist a gentle squeeze before I turn to cross the room to my brother.


I wipe the back of my hand across my mouth as I finish my third fruity drink. I’ve been sulking since catching Dario staring at Lizzy’s breasts. I cup the sides of my boobs and adjust them in my dress.

“Mine are bigger than hers,” I mutter to myself.

I’m pissed because I’ve never seen Dario look at a Black woman before. Why her? Sure, Lizzy is gorgeous. I think this was the first time I’ve seen her without her glasses or dressed in some black-on-black, Goth-looking outfit, which definitely has brought out all her stunning features.

I toss back another drink. “But why her?”

“Why who?” Jace asks as he appears at my side.

“Oh, hey, Jace.”

“Whoa. You might want to slow down on the drinks. You’re sounding a bit slurred there.”

I frown. “Listen, you can go back to the silent killer shit. My father isn’t here tonight,” I grumble.

He snorts a chuckle and holds up his hands. “I’m not your enemy.”

“No, Lizzy is,” I bite out before my brain can tell me to shut the hell up.

“Lizzy?” he says, and something crosses his face. “What makes you say that?”

“I’ve never, and I mean never, seen Dario look at a Black woman before. What was that about? He was totally checking her out. My boobs are bigger than hers. She doesn’t look like she’s willing to do half the shit I am.” I pause with my chest heaving. “Oh God, I have had too much to drink. I’m just tired. I love him so much, but I know nothing will ever happen.”

Jace places a hand on my shoulder and gives a gentle squeeze. “Take it from me. You can think someone doesn’t see you when all they see is you. There are just other things keeping them from you.

“You’re gorgeous, Carleen. I came over here because I don’t want Dario to lose his shit on that guy who was heading over here to try to talk to you.”

He winks down at me, and I take a cleansing breath. I try to put his words together in my head, but nothing makes sense. Looking up into his eyes, I search them, trying to make my brain clear.

“What guy? Why would Dario lose his shit?”

Jace shakes his head at me. In the most brotherly way, he scoops his arm around my waist. I lean into his side.

“I’ll get you home. Dario may be a while.”

“You better not be trying to cover for him while he gets in Lizzy’s pants.”

“Lizzy is not for him. She already belongs to someone else. I’m protecting what’s Dario’s,” he says.

I bank those words for later as my stomach reels. I may have had too much to drink.


I catch up to my brother and look around as we head toward his office. No Jace, interesting. The two are joined at the hip. They have been since we were younger.

Jace and Gio were born a day apart. They have grown up like brothers. Jace has looked out for me and Dante as much as Gio has.

“Is it me or is Bethany getting worse?”

“She’s definitely smelling herself. Don’t worry about her. Time is ticking on that clock,” Gio replies as we enter his office.

“Yeah, but is he listening to you?”

“Dante will hear me when I start to speak his language. I’m not worried about that. She’s the one who should be worried. Do you have those photos I asked for?”

He sits behind his desk, and I take one of the seats in front of it. Dante’s wife is fucking around behind his back. I almost butchered the motherfucker’s ass myself, but Gio told me to wait, he had it covered. All he needed was a picture of the guy’s face.

“Yeah, the guy has been around the restaurant every day this week. He’s too busy watching me to notice Apollo taking pictures of him. I have Salvatore following him as well.”

“Good. Sal knows not to get too close.” It’s a statement, not a question.

“Who is this guy? I get the feeling there’s more to it than him fucking Bethany. And why am I so interesting to him?”

“To ask questions is to get answers you may not want. I’ll take care of this. You focus on your trip.”

I grunt and pull a face. I hate when he’s like this. I know he does it to protect me and my twin, but it’s starting to feel like Gio has this looking glass I want to be able to see into. I always feel like I’m going to be blindsided by what he knows.
