Page 28 of Bearly Familiar

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“They ran away, plus Hyde is next in line to rule his clan.”

“I’m guessing someone doesn’t like that and wants a clear path to the throne?” Alice frowned.


“Wow,” Alice whistled. “I must admit, I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Me neither,” Rene laughed.

“I just thought you’d say something like, I was all over Jesse, when Hyde returned and joined us, and we had the best threesome ever.”

“What?” Rene sounded shocked. “No… no…”

Shocked, but she was still laughing, strangely titillated by this idea that Alice had planted in her mind.

“Oh, don’t tell me you never even considered it?” Alice was curious.

“Me? No, no, of course not,” Rene was shaking her head so vigorously, that she resembled a bobble head.

“You say it like it’s the worst thing someone could do,” Alice teased.

“No, I’m not saying that.”

“Then, what are you saying, you Victorian prude?” Alice poked fun, punching her playfully on the shoulder. “You want just missionary, for the rest of your life? Sex in the dark? Closed eyes?”

Rene was laughing, but deep inside, she was hurt by all this. Was this how Alice saw her? Was this how all of her previous boyfriends saw her - a Victorian prude? She knew this wasn’t true. She was a passionate woman. She just didn’t know how to show it properly.

“No, I can be kinky,” Rene tried.

“You kinky?” Alice burst out laughing. “No way.”

“Seriously, I can,” Rene whined.

“I don’t want to hurt your feelings or anything,” Alice started more softly this time, “you’re my best friend and I love you, but you’re about as experimental in bed as a wet sock.”

“A plus for the metaphor,” Rene stuck out her tongue and the girls burst out laughing together.

“I’m serious,” Alice smiled at her, “you should let go of these chains that you’ve imposed on yourself, and just live a little. Experiment. Do whatever the fuck you want. It’s your life. You live it for yourself, not for someone else and according to someone else’s rules.”

“You know, everything you’re saying makes so much sense,” Rene admitted, “in theory.”

“Everything is easy to follow, in theory. It’s practice you have trouble with.”

“I have trouble with everything,” Rene grinned.

“You are your own worst critic,” Alice theorized. “Why don’t you be your own best supporter instead?”

Alice was right. It was as painfully obvious as a stab in the eye.

“So, you think I should just let go and see which one of them I like better?” Rene asked.

“Why choose?” Alice toyed with a lock of her hair.

“There you go again with the threesome,” Rene rubbed her forehead.

“Hey, don’t judge until you try.”
