Page 43 of Bearly Familiar

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“Do you know what happens to girls who try to be smart with me?”

“I’d like to find out,” she admitted, biting her lower lip, tempted to pleasure herself while hearing him talk.

The very sound of his voice made her walk that fine line between simple arousal and pure, raw lust. Right now, she was hot and aroused. If he kept talking like this, she would cross right into the other side, the side she couldn’t control and she’d be at his mercy.

“You’re lucky I’m not there to show you,” he growled lustfully.

“Your loss,” she teased.

“Tonight, maybe,” he continued mysteriously, “but tomorrow is another day.”

“Optimistic,” she chortled in joy. “I like that.”


ng of tomorrow,” he added, “if you have any plans, you’d better cancel them right now.”

“Why?” she wondered.

“Do you?” he asked, separating his question into two. “Have any plans?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact I do,” she lied.

She had no plans. They told her that this weekend, all the residents of her mother’s nursing home had some special screenings and tests done, so there would be no visits on Saturday or Sunday. That meant that Rene was wide open for any suggestions. This, however, wasn’t what she wanted Hyde to think. She wanted to be a busy girl, with lots of friends and lots of plans for her free time. Not the girl who takes bubble baths and reads books, and can’t focus because she has a crazy, silly crush on her boss and his best friend.

“Well, I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to go ahead and cancel them,” he sighed, as if he was really sorry.

“I might do that if you tell me what I’m canceling my plans for,” she sounded intrigued.

“Do you want to ruin your surprise?” he asked.

“A surprise?” she squealed in delight.

“You do like surprises, don’t you?”

“Who doesn’t?” she exulted.

“I don’t know, some weird people?” he wondered.

“Well, I’m not weird,” she sang. “I do love surprises.”

“Then, be a good girl, get some warm, comfy clothes ready, and wait for us at 8 am sharp. We’ll be waiting in front of your place.”

“Are we going somewhere?” she tried.

“No. I’m not ruining the surprise.”

“Spoil sport,” she teased.

“Now, I’ll go back to bed and think about you, taking a bath, naked,” he whispered to her.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked.

“If I start telling you, I’ll have to go there and do those things myself,” he told her.

“Maybe that’s exactly what I want,” she purred, teasing him, wanting him to rush down there and take advantage of her, do with her whatever he pleased.

“You know I’d like nothing better,” he cooed, “but, it’s late. You need to rest, because you won’t be sleeping for the next two days.”
