Page 60 of Bearly Familiar

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For a moment, they were all looking at Culore’s body. Suddenly, Hyde walked over to it, and bent over. He reached out, closing his eyes.

“Now, he can rest in peace,” Hyde said, more to himself, than to Rene and Jesse.

He stood up, and looked around.

“What are you looking for?” Rene asked.

“My phone,” he replied.

“Who are you going to call?” she wondered.

“The police, of course.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Jesse inquired. “What if we just buried him somewhere in the mountains? No one will ever know.”

“No,” Hyde shook his head, determinedly. “We need to do it the right way. Inform the authorities. Let someone else bury him, properly.”

“But, how will this look?” Rene asked.

She could already imagine the accusatory looks of any policemen who’d come here to see what happened.

“We’ll just tell them the truth,” Hyde assured them.

He sounded calm, a little too calm for Rene’s taste.

“The truth?” she yelped. “Are you serious?”

“I meant, only some aspects of the truth,” Hyde corrected himself.

“Oh,” Rene sighed in relief.

“We’ll just say we came here for the weekend, and were woken up by a strange sound. He jumped me, we fought, I got the knife from him, and accidentally slit his throat. You’ll be my witnesses, and vouch that I’m telling the truth. There is no connection between us, so they’ll think he’s just some random burglar, who thought the place was empty, panicked when he saw that someone was here and acted rashly by attacking me. It was obviously self-defense. No one will question it.”

“And Ozul?” Rene asked.

“He’ll be kept out of the story,” Hyde replied.

“What if they see signs of another perpetrator?” she asked again.

“We’ll deny seeing anyone,” Hyde explained. “We just need to stay consistent. Not change our story once we tell it. They’ll just assume that, even if there was someone else with Culore, he escaped when he realized there was someone in the lodge, which was usually kept uninhabited.”

“OK then,” Rene nodded.

It sounded plausible. Burying Culore in the woods would have been way too suspicious, if someone found the body later on. This way, they could clear their names and go on with their lives.

“Let’s go outside, I need some fresh air,” Hyde suggested, and both Rene and Jesse welcomed the suggestion.

All three walked out of the lodge, to see Isabella and Parker looking at the sky.

“That over there is the Big Dipper,” she was showing Parker the constellations, “and that one over there is Orion.”

“Actually,” Hyde joined them, and pointed up with his index finger, “the Big Dipper is not a constellation, it’s just an asterism. That is a group of stars smaller than what is officially considered a constellation.”

Then, he took Parker’s hand and started tracing an invisible line in the sky.

“See, those two stars over there, right at the outer edge of the Big Dipper are called pointer stars. If you follow the line of these two stars, you can find the famous North Star, which is right… there!”

Parker jumped with joy, as his father showed him the North Star, and Isabella used this opportunity to sneak away, and stand next to Rene. Rene felt a little out of place here, but she tried to convince herself this was unnecessary, after everything that had happened.
