Page 63 of Bearly Familiar

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She put on just a dash of mascara and a touch of her new red lipstick, which made her lips pop just enough. Her idea was to make them irresistible for the guys up to such an extent that they might have to stop the car somewhere by the road, where no one would catch them, and have a quickie. The thought made her all giddy, like a horny school girl and she even giggled out loud. She was grateful for the fact that she was alone, otherwise, Alice would think she’d gone bonkers. Either that, or that she was head over heels in love with Hyde and Jesse.

The guys were about five minutes late, when she heard the buzzer down below. She rushed over, and answered.

“Are you guys coming up?” she asked.

“No need,” Hyde replied cheerfully, “just, get your car keys.”

“My car keys?” she was surpri

sed. “I thought you were driving.”

“Yeah, about that,” she couldn’t see it, but she could guess that he was taking his hand through his lush set of curls as he spoke, and that Jesse stood by his side, listening to the conversation, “we need to go with your car.”

“Seriously?” she asked again, hoping this was a joke.

Her Caprice was a mess. It was barely starting lately, and a few times, it left her high and dry, so she had to catch a cab not to be late to Hyde’s place, before he went to work. So, saying that the Caprice was unreliable was an understatement.

“Yeah, my car barely got us here, I think it might die on us on the way there. Let’s just take your car,” Hyde urged her, and she couldn’t be quite sure, but she thought she heard Jesse giggle in the background, which annoyed her.

Did he really think this was funny? Did they both?

“Fine,” she snorted, “but, if we get stranded somewhere by the side of the road and it won’t start again, don’t blame me.”

“Duly noted,” Hyde assured her. “Now, bring your sweet ass down, we’ll be late!”

Again, that giggle, but she chose not to pay attention to it this time. She grabbed her car keys, then her purse and rushed down the stairs. This was already stressful enough without the Caprice getting involved.

She walked down the stairs slowly, thinking how embarrassing it would be to drive the guys in her old clunker of a car. It might stop somewhere in the middle of the road. It might blow up on them. Hell, it might not even start. Any of those options was possible.

She sighed, and figured, what the heck. Let fate decide what would happen.

She exited the building, and saw them right in front, waiting for her. Once again, as she occasionally did, she noticed how strikingly different they were. Hyde was wearing navy blue pants with a casual white shirt. His hair was casual chic, as always. Cleanly shaven, smelling of some woody perfume. Jesse, on the other hand, was wearing a pair of jeans, with a dark red t-shirt. His Rey Bans were already on, even though there wasn’t much sun. For him, it was more of a fashion statement than protection from the sun.

She smiled at both of them and gave them a big hug. They checked her out, top to bottom, and Jesse released a teasing whistle.

“You look hot, mama,” he sneered.

“You really look beautiful,” Hyde added.

“So, which one is it?” she giggled. “We’re going to see my mother, I don’t want to look like I’m going clubbing.”

“It’s perfect,” Hyde assured her, “you know Jesse.”

Mischievously, she pinched Jesse on the cheek.

“OK, guys, let’s get this over with,” she jingled her keys in her hand, and started towards her Caprice.

“Where are you going?” Hyde suddenly asked.

Rene turned around. She looked at the Caprice, which was just a few steps away from her. Then, she glanced at Hyde.

“Didn’t you just say that we’re taking the Caprice?” she wondered, thinking maybe she misunderstood.

“I didn’t say that,” Hyde shook his head gravely, then turning to Jesse. “Did I say that?”

Jesse pretended to think about it for a second, even pressing his finger to his chin, mockingly.

“I don’t believe you used those exact words, no,” he was being all smart, and despite her being a little annoyed that they were obviously making fun of her, Rene couldn’t help but laugh.
