Page 65 of Bearly Familiar

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“You know where to go,” the nurse smiled kindly.

“Thank you,” Rene replied. “How has she been feeling?”

“The beginning of the week was a bit tough on her, it usually is after your visit. Even though she thinks you’re someone else, I still believe that a part of her subconscious recognizes you, loves it when you’re here, and that’s why she gets a little down the following day.”

“Really? I didn’t know that.”

“Well, it’s nothing to be worried about. The last two days were perfect. She’s happy, and smiling all day long. Almost like she’s unknowingly anticipating your visit.”

“Thank you, for saying that,” Rene smiled.

Together, they walked along a small corridor. None of them paid attention to the unusual smells of products meant to keep the air and surfaces clean and disinfected. One step at a time, all three were lost in their own thoughts, until they reached a door that was familiar only to Rene.

“Here we are,” she whispered.

Suddenly, it hit her. How should she introduce them to her mother? Friends? Boyfriends? She didn’t ask them this, and the last thing she wanted was for them to get offended. Maybe if she just said their names, she could make that the best solution, not to name any role.

She knocked softly, three times. Then, she waited until she heard he

r mother’s voice from the inside.

“Come in!”

Rene sighed silently again and opened the door. She went in first, Hyde and Jesse right after her.

“Hi, mom,” she smiled at her mother, approaching to give her a kiss.

“Milena,” her mother giggled. “I know I look a lot like her, but I’m not mother. Have you been drinking your medication?”

Magdalena Olsen was sitting where she usually sits, in her chair by the big window. There were a few books on the little coffee table next to her, but Rene couldn’t see the titles. Her mother had always been a fan of classical literature, so Rene wouldn’t be surprised if those books were something by Kafka or Flaubert. Despite her generally cheerful nature, her mother enjoyed books that sometimes made her sad. When Rene asked her once why, her mother explained that only books which made you sad could make you happy again. Rene never quite understood what she meant by that, probably because she was too young to know what true sadness was. Now, the idea was more familiar.

Rene smiled at her, then at the guys. They didn’t seem nervous. Standing there by her side, they appeared calm and happy to be there.

“How have you been doing?” Rene asked.

“Oh, you know,” her mother shrugged her shoulders, looking at her, then at the men.

“I’d like you to meet someone,” Rene continued. “This is…”

“Xenos,” her mother said his bear shifter name, and Rene’s eyes widened in disbelief. “I won’t forget that name as long as I live. I’m sorry, I’m afraid I don’t know your name,” she addressed Jesse.

“It’s Jesse, ma’am,” he smiled, even though everyone was caught off guard by her recognizing Hyde.

Even though some connections existed, they were well aware of them, but Rene wasn’t expecting her mother to recognize him. She had no reason to do so. Or, did she?

“That doesn’t sound like our name,” she spoke slowly, as if she was having a casual chat with a close friend. “Do you belong to us?”

“I’m not sure what you mean, ma’am,” he smiled, a little nervously this time.

“She means if you are a bear shifter,” Hyde explained.

“I know what she means,” Jesse retorted, “I’m wondering if she is one.”

“Do you remember me?” Rene’s mother questioned Hyde, not really paying attention to Jesse’s comment.

He wasn’t important to her. She seemed to focus only on Hyde, as he evoked memories she thought were long forgotten. She even looked better, her eyes sparkling with a strange, hopeful gleam. Rene couldn’t believe it. She hadn’t seen her mother like this in ages.

“I knew your father, Magdalena,” Hyde answered.
