Page 31 of Wild Bear Mates

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“I saw them before I hit my head. They were wearing a cloak and had a raven on their shoulder.”

I could feel Gerard climb into bed. His weight was comforting. At least someone else was home. He curled up next to me and wrapped his arms around me. His hot breath tickled my neck.

“We’re never leaving you alone again.” Well, didn’t that make me feel better. Now I was being treated like a child.

“I can handle myself. We just have to replace that chair.” If that chair hadn’t wobbled, I would have been able to figure out who the creepy stranger was.

“That chair is fine. We checked it. The bolts are tight and the steel is fine. You would have had to rock pretty hard to get it to move.”

The chair was wiggling like it was made of molten lava. “I swear to you it was moving under my feet. It felt as though it had a motor or something.” I felt the pressure of Gerard’s pause. He was mulling it over in his mind.

“There is actually a shapeshifter tribe that is known for their affinity for ravens. But, I’m not sure why they could come in and wiggle your chair.”

“They were coming closer and closer to me. Creeping. I felt them. It was like they were trying to come up behind me without me knowing, but at the same time they opened the door. It doesn’t make any sense. And then they wiggled my chair enou

gh to cause me to fall but left.”

“Do you really believe that there was someone else here?”

“It’s not a matter of believing. I know someone else was here! How could I hallucinate myself into seeing a local tribesman? How could I know that they have ravens?”

“You didn’t hear someone talk about it?”

“No!” I didn’t mean to scream, but he wasn’t listening. “I saw what I saw.”

“Shhhh. It’s okay. I believe you. Let’s say that this raven person was here. What was their motive?”

“What if they wanted to kidnap me? Like Vivica!” Poor Vivica. My cheeks burned with shame. Vivica was kidnapped and here I was getting plugged by three guys at once. “Did you find Vivica yet?”

“We sent out as many men as we could spare. They’ve been out for two days now tracking. They should be back in a week or so. It takes time to canvas the area. We can only hope they bring some of the breeders back with them.”

“What’s happening?” I pulled Gerard in close to me. His warmth spread through me like a tonic.

“I hate to tell you this, but this is life in a tribe. More joys, but also more hardship. We share everything. Both ups and downs.”

“I wish I could do something to help.”

“Your job is to stay here and take care of yourself. Growing a baby is helping.”

“But, I’m not growing a baby yet.”

“That we know. We’re going to try again very soon don’t worry.” His voice cracked.

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something.” This was my only chance. I could feel it.

“What? You can tell me anything?”

“Could I?” A strange intimacy was beginning to build between me and Gerard, but I knew very little about him. His habits, his likes and dislikes. He was mostly a mystery to me.

“There is something I could do to help. If I’m going to be a part of this tribe, I need to feel completely at ease and accepted.”

He brushed my hair from my face with his hands. “Of course. I agree. You should be comfortable.”

“I need my magic supplies.” I braced for his reaction.

“Magic supplies?” His voice was gentle and soft.

“Yeah. There are some essential ingredients that I need for rituals. And I need access to nature. I can’t do anything while I’m stuck inside. Water usually works for me.”
