Page 33 of Wild Bear Mates

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A scream erupted from my throat. Darkness covered my eyes. Did I go blind? Where was she? I kept screaming until my throat was hoarse. A rectangle of light burst through the darkness. A doorway. A tall figure stood in front of it and ran towards me. I began swinging my fists.

“Hey, hey, hey what’s wrong?”

The voice was familiar. Adam. Where was I? I collapsed into sobs. Was I dreaming? It had felt so real.

“Shhhhh. It was just a bad dream. I’m here. Nothing can hurt you.”

Adam held me until my tears dried up.

“That must have been some dream.”

There was no way it was a dream. “Were you here the entire time?”

“Yes, I’ve been making food in the kitchen. Beef stroganoff. I figured it would be comforting.” The thought of onions and garlic turned my stomach. But, I didn’t want to be rude.


nbsp; “I need some time before I eat. What time is it?”

“It’s only 8:30 pm. You’ve been asleep for a while, but I wasn’t sure if you were going to get up.”

“When did I…?” My mind was so mixed up. I needed to talk to Gerard. Could I have imagined that lady? What were the chances to have two hallucinations of the same person, but in two different scenarios? Certainly, head injuries didn’t cause that as a symptom?

“I’m going to make you some tea.”

My throat was parched. “That sounds great actually. And could you bring me a pen and a notebook or paper. I need to write a shopping list.”

His face crinkled. I realized the lights were on. “Were the lights on?”

“I turned them on when I came in.”

Did that happen before or after I started screaming? Why was my mind all mixed up?

“I’m going to take a quick shower while I wait for the tea.”

“Do you need help?”

“No. I’ll be fine.” I shook him off and made my way into the bathroom. Under the hot water, my worries swirled down into the drain. I felt fresh and a little clearer. The woman and her warning faded like the bad dream I was almost certain they were. But, just in case, I wanted Gerard to know. While I sat and drank tea with Adam, I wrote out a list for Gerard. If someone was coming for a witch, I’d give them one.


A few days later, I had all of the ingredients on my list but one; a body of water. The tub wasn’t ideal, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. Theoretically, I could submerse myself enough. It was easier than getting Gerard to agree to me going out into the woods alone in search of a pond. With all of the excitement in the camp, I hadn’t been able to speak to Gerard about the warning. The warriors were set to return today. There was only one breeder that I was desperate to see. Vivica. And I was going to ask the Goddess for her safe return. After sprinkling in the appropriate herbs, I ran the faucet to fill the tub. Steam rose from the water, turned on as hot as it would go.

I lit the incense and candles surrounding the tub, enough to set the room ablaze with a warm yellow light. A mug of steeping nettles and crescent claw warmed my hands. It was bitter, but I knew it would take me into a state of mind where I could commune with the Goddess. I usually relied on sex to clear my mind, but the men were busy with preparation for the warriors.

Throwing my leg over the side of the tub, my toes grazed the hot water. Ouch. Perhaps I overdid it. I switched the faucet to the cold setting and waited a minute. I tested the tub with my other foot. Perfect. After placing my mug on the ledge, I sank into the steaming water. The salts! Where were they? I searched the ledge for the small bottle of black salt. Aha! I pulled out the cork and tipped a bit over into my palm. The crystals were fat and uneven. They looked like asphalt snowflakes. I submerged my hand and then let them fall to the bottom of the tub. Giving it a swirl for good measure, I swept my hands around the tub. Hopefully it is all mixed. We’ll see. Bringing my cup to my lips, I drained the remainders of the tea. It shouldn’t be too much longer now.

Sliding down further into the water, I submerged myself up to the neck. Letting go, I slid all of the rest of the way into the water, so that only my nose and mouth remained above. Only the sound of my own breath filled my ears.

“Goddess. It’s been awhile. I know you brought me here for a reason. But, please. Have mercy on Vivica. She’s only a human after all. Please, let her come back safely. I dedicate my next act of love to you. I promise to keep practicing. To dare. To know. To will. To keep silent. To love, above all, you.” After meditating for a few minutes, a warmth began to spread across my nakedness. My skin tingled and vibrated with life. It was as if I was being wrapped in a steaming hot towel.

A knock sounded. I sat up. Another knock. “Come in.” Gerard entered bearing a huge smile.

“They found her.”


“Yes. She’s here, but you can’t see her yet. She’s resting. Apparently, the other tribe really put her to work.” He grimaced.
