Page 21 of Hot Wolves

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“They’re here?” Landon bellowed.

“I think so, yes. And for some reason, they’ve started up their own night club. They call it the ‘Alpha Wolf.’ Can you believe their gall?”

“We have to go there, now.”

I grabbed Landon by the wrist before he could take another step towards the door. “Where do you think you’re going? It would be suicide to go there now and you know it.”

“So, what? You just want to sit around here and wait for that leader of theirs to give the order to massacre another pack. We cannot let that happen.”

“We’ll keep an eye on them and gather up as much information as possible. We do this smart, Landon, or we don’t do it at all.” Even though Landon was the Alpha, I was usually the one to keep a level head and consider things systemically. Landon was the kind of guy who wanted to charge into a situation, horns first. Most of the time, that gets you killed and without a mating partner, I can never have pups to call my own and believe it or not, I actually want to become a father one day.

“I don’t like this.”

“I know you don’t,” I said. “But I’m not letting you barge in there, when we have no idea what we’re up against. I already told you, there has to be fifty or more of them and we’re a pitiful pack of two.”

Landon growled.

“But don’t worry, one way or another, we will get the revenge we so rightfully deserve,” I assured him, as I rested a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll make them pay for everything that they did and then some.”

Chapter 8: Jane

There’s nothing like coming home from a long day at work and taking a shower. All those people who take showers before work have got it all wrong.

As I dried my hair with a towel, the doorbell rang.

I was hoping it was the package delivery guys because I was expecting a couple of DVD’s I had snagged on clearance, as a little birthday gift to myself, since I had absolutely no one to celebrate it with except for myself. Lonely, I know. I don’t let it bother me all that much but, sometimes, it would just hit me like walking into a cement wall. Would I remain alone for the rest of my life or would I eventually find someone to fill the void?

My thoughts gravitated towards Landon and Roman.

“Maybe…” I whispered aloud but I didn’t allow that idea to venture very far, because I knew that it would never culminate to much. Thinking about it would only get my hopes up for no reason.

I swung the door open and the guys stood there. Roman held the pizza and Landon my delivery.

“Nick’s?” I asked. “That’s my favorite place in town. They make the best pizza, no word of a lie.”

“Guess my good judgment paid off. Landon was trying to tell me to go with a deep dish place but I told him that he was absolutely insane and that no one actually likes deep dish pizza — they just say that they do.”

“Oh, I agree. Thin crust all the way and if it's cooked in a brick oven, then that’s even better. That bit of charcoal really makes the difference.”

Landon was looking at us, like we were aliens from another planet.

“Well, considering that I can’t say no to free food, come in, come in.” I ushered them inside my apartment. Since they had been there before, Roman had no issue with finding the kitchen.

“This was left at the door for you,” said Landon, as he handed me the padded envelope.

“Thanks. I’ve been waiting for these.”

“Anything good?” he asked.

“Just a couple of DVD’s. It was my birthday a couple of days ago and I decided I would treat myself to a movie marathon and ice cream night.”

“It was your birthday?” he questioned.

“Yes, I turned twenty-seven, woohoo.”

“Happy birthday,” he said with a smile that made my whole heart melt. Landon was definitely the least approachable of the two but I had a feeling that he was a big softie — a teddy bear in disguise.
