Page 19 of Dangerous Secrets

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“Mia,” she whispers, pain lacing her voice. “Mia, are we really getting out of here?”

Panic rises in me at the sound of her voice. “Yes, we’re going to get out of here,” I promise her, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to. I’m finding it hard to find this key.

“Promise me that you’ll talk to Hudson.”

My eyes widen at her words. “Lacey!” She can’t talk like that.

“Shh, Mia. Listen to me okay?” Her voice sounds so fragile. “You and Hudson, you belong together. He makes you happy and vice versa. Don’t be stupid, talk to him but don’t try and change him.”

I frown. “Change him? Why would I want to change him? I love him just the way he is.” My hand scrapes against something crusty. Shit, where the hell did he throw this key?

“If he said to you, Mia, for you I’d give up everything. Change my ways. I’ll be a model citizen. What would you say?”

I don’t even think about it. “God no, it is who he is and it’s not fair for me to have him change who he is because I may not like the choices he makes.”

She hums again, the sound so painful that it makes me grit my teeth. “That’s good. Have you found the key yet?”

Tears sting my eyes and I will them back. “N

ot yet Lace, I’m going to find it.”

“Its okay, Mia,” she whispers. “I’m dying. I’m not leaving here alive. I know that and I know that you know it too.”

I do but I don’t want to believe it. My hands are searching as fast as they can, but so far I’m coming up empty. “Lace, don’t talk like that. You have to have faith, we’re going to get out of here.”

“Lacey, don’t stop talking.” I beg her, knowing that if she does, she may not speak again.

My hand comes into contact with something metal and cold. “Oh God. Lacey I found it.” I cry out but my happiness is met with silence. Picking the key up, “Lacey!” I yell and try and find the damn lock to this shackle. She’s not answering me. “Lace, please Lace, talk to me.” I cry as I place the key into the lock and unlock the shackle.

Taking the key I crawl off the mattress and over toward Lacey. She’s so silent, it’s scaring me. “Lace?” I ask, as I crawl onto her mattress, my hands reaching for her. “Lace?” I whisper as my hand grazes her face. She’s not breathing.

Pulling her into my arms I hold her. “Love you Lace,” I whisper as the tears fall down my face. Pain like no other hits me as I kiss her cheek. I sob as I hold her close to me, not wanting to let her go.

This is all my fault. She wouldn’t have been here if I hadn’t told her to meet me at the house, hell if I hadn’t made her come with me to moms this summer.



It’s been three weeks since Mia was taken. I’ve not been able to sleep properly. I’m not eating, I’m like a zombie. I’ve done what I promised, I’ve torn this city apart, and every criminal is on my shit list. I don’t give a fuck if we had a deal going on, if you weren’t helping me find my girl then you are part of the problem. I’ve gained a nickname amongst my men; I’m now the grim reaper. I don’t give a shit if I have that name, it shows me that they know I mean business. The past three weeks, I’ve killed more men and women than my men have since I took the reins from my dad. It’s about time we showed this city that we mean business and you do not mess with what is mine.

Dad and Tina are staying in my house, I came to the conclusion that if I'm going to get to the bottom of who the rat is then I'm going to need to have everyone close. Every day my mind changes. I was told it was Barney, and I believed it was him, now I'm not so sure. I thought it was Martin but his actions have said otherwise. It could be anyone and yet it could be everyone, the one thing is I'm not going to lie. I will find out who it is and when I do, they are going to die the most painless death ever.

Jagger is the only person besides me that knows that Carina is still alive. After I fired that shot, I told Jagger to clean up the mess and sent the rest of my boys home. Carina and her mom are currently in Texas, they have new identities. Carina has been warned, this is her last chance. She fucks up, there's no helping her. I will kill her. Her mum is determined to keep her on the straight and narrow, although that works out or not is yet to be seen. I did however instil the fear into her, she knows that I have men watching over her. There's no way she's got to step out of line and if she does she pay the price.

“Boss,” Martin says entering my office without looking, a laptop in his hand, his eyes narrowed as he glances at his cell. His mom died two weeks ago and since then he’s buried himself in trying to help me find Mia and Lacey.

"What is it, what have you found?" I question him. His sole focus is on Mia, so when he speaks I expect that he has found something that can lead me to her.

"A discrepancy Boss."

"What discrepancy?" I hate this shit, if you've found something, just say what it is. Trying to build up some anticipation is bullshit. I don't need anticipation, I need the truth and I need to find out what the fuck has been going on.

"Boss, its Barney. I've found discrepancies with his bank account."

I clench my fists. "Talk to me." Is there no one that I can trust?

Martin places his laptop down on my desk, he turns the screen so that I can see it. "He's had four deposits of fifty grand into his bank account over the past six months."
