Page 39 of Dangerous Secrets

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“Boss, his name is Kevin Lesser, he’s a thug who works for anyone who pays him. He has no wife or partner nor does he have any children. His parents are dead and his sister Hayley has disowned him.” Jagger informs him, loud enough for only Hudson and I to hear him.

Hudson nods. “Mr Lesser, you’re a pitiful fool. No one in your life to care that you’re not going to make it through another day.”

I finally have a name to put to the face of a monster. Keven Lesser.

Kevin’s face drains of all color, the cockiness it once held is long gone and finally the fear is shining through. “How do you know who I am?”

“I know everything, including the fact that your sister Hayley disowned you.” The mocking in Hudson’s voice makes me feel uncomfortable

There’s movement to my left, I know instantly that Harrison is moving closer to me. It’s sweet that he’s worried but he doesn’t need to be, I’m doing okay… for now.

“What do you want from me?” he asks but he already knows the answer to that.

“You’re testing my patience, who hired you?” Hudson asks him yet again, although I think he’s calmer than he was before he found out who he was.

“I don’t understand,” Kevin shouts as Jagger advances on him. “Hired me for what?”

“Hired to kidnap two women and keep them in a basement,” Jagger tells him and that southern drawl he has is deadly. Both he and Hudson are able to add so much menace to their voices that they take away the men that I know them to be.

Kevin’s eyes go wide, he finally connects the dots as to why he’s here. “Why?”

I shake my head, that wasn’t the right thing to say.

“Why?” Hudson’s anger vibrating with every syllable he says. “You kidnapped my woman and you’re asking me why I want to know who hired you?”

“What? Your woman?”

Hudson sighs. “Yes, my woman. The gorgeous brunette.”

I bite my lip to hide my smile.

“I wasn’t told who they were.”

My hand reaches out and I connect with Harrison, I squeeze it slightly. “Mia?” He questions, his voice barely above a whisper.

“He’s lying, the very first night he told us that the boss would inform us why we were there. Not only that, he said that the boss would be happy that they got two of their girls,” I tell him, my voice loud enough for him to hear.

“You’re a liar, Kevin, you know exactly who I am. You said that your boss would be happy that you had two of our girls, so how about we try this one last time? Who hired you?” Hudson says through clenched teeth. Christ, Hudson’s got impeccable hearing.

Kevin glances around the room. “How did you know that? Where’s that bitch?”

The room fills with the sound of bones crunching.

“You do not call my woman a bitch,” Hudson yells and it’s fucked up but I like this side to him, I find it really sexy.

“I didn’t mean your woman, the blonde. She was the only person who could have heard.” He’s such a weasel, he’s trying his best to come across as a badass but in all honesty he’s nothing but an asshole.

“That blonde? Her name was Lacey. And because of you she’s dead.” Jagger’s voice calm.

“Dead? No...No, you have it wrong. She’s not dead,” Kevin mumbles.

“Yes she is. Your boss put two bullets into her and she bled out while my girl held her.” Hudson’s breathing is getting heavier, he’s keeping his distance from Kevin, but I can tell that he wants nothing more than to beat him until all the anger escapes him.

“Liar,” he screams.

I step forward unable to listen to anymore of the lies he somehow has made himself believe. “He has hurt people. He hurt Lacey when he pulled that trigger, twice.”

Kevin’s eyes widen. “You?”
