Page 26 of Saving Reli

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I hide my smile, loving that she’s jealous. "No. The moment I saw you at your father’s funeral I knew I wanted you. The moment we locked eyes at the store, I knew I had to find you. Noticing your bracelet was the perfect reason to make that happen. Watching that woman hit you made me want to protect you. Seeing you in pain intensified every single thing I was feeling and wanting. To answer your question: no, I've never done this to a woman before.”

I lean down and kiss her again, harder and more passionate than before. I want her to know that it’s all her. She’s the only one I want. She moans into my mouth as our tongues clash together. God, those fucking whimpers of hers drive me crazy. They make me think about what it would be like to sink inside of her. Would she moan or whimper?

I close my eyes and pull back from the kiss. My dick is fucking hard as stone and I don’t want to scare her. When I open my eyes, I see her face flushed and her eyes wide as she looks down at my lap where my dick is visible beneath my shorts. “It’s my reaction whenever you’re around me.”

She smiles shyly at my statement. I pull her toward me and lie her down onto the bed. She tenses. “We’re going back to sleep. I’m staying here with you. You’re safe,” I tell her.

“I know. I trust you, John; you make me feel safe,” she tells me and I feel fucking ten feet tall. I’m fucking over the moon that she trusts me and that she’s safe around me.

I pull her closer to my body, her back against my front. “Sleep, baby girl.”

It takes her a few minutes, but soon she gives me all of her weight as she goes to sleep. It takes me a while after that for me to find it.

There's a knock on my office door and I look up just as Zeke opens it and walks in. "Boss, I've finally found something,” he tells me, his expression unreadable and I wait for him to say whatever the hell he’s found out. I know that it has to do with Reli.

"I found Paul Maine's real will. The one that Talia has is either a forgery or one that he had to appease his wife. This one is signed and dated two weeks before his death. It leaves everything to Yoreli, I mean everything. His entire estate, his business, his cars. Everything."

I stare at him in disbelief. Everything is Reli's? How the hell was this not discovered before now? "Where did you find this?"

"It took some digging, but Paul filed this two days before he died. Whoever knew about this will has gone to extreme lengths to keep it hidden. I'm telling you, boss, whoever it is, they're crazy smart." He sounds impressed. I'm not. I'm fucking seething. “Also, boss, in the will it's stipulated that Reli was to get an allowance from her inheritance each month."

My jaw clenches as I realize what Zeke is telling me. "How much?" How much has that fucking bitch been stealing from Reli?

"Ten thousand dollars a month."

I blow out a low whistle. Fucking hell. “She’s taken over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars from Reli!”

Zeke nods. “Yeah, there’s also a stipulation that says that Talia will inherit three million along with a house in New York as long as she takes care of Yoreli until she’s eighteen.”

Bingo. This is a way to ensure that fucking bitch doesn’t get anything. “Call Tate; I want to know if we can have this bitch done for embezzlement.”

He grins. “I’m sure that she can be. She’ll be pissed to learn that she won’t be getting any of Paul’s money.”

“It’s not enough, but it’ll have to do.” She deserves a hell of a lot more than prison and no money. I’ll ensure that I hire the best damn attorney so that bitch can’t worm her way out of a conviction.

“I’ll call Tate and get the ball set in motion. I’m also working on finding out who she was planning on selling her to.”

“Keep on it. There’s something we’re missing. There has to be.” We’re missing what connects Talia and whoever wants Reli. I have a sickening feeling about this shit.

Twenty minutes later and Zeke strolls into my office with a smile on his face. “I gave Tate all the evidence I’ve uncovered including the will and he agrees with us. Talia Maine will be indicted with embezzling.”

Fuck yes.

“He’s agreed to leave it until tomorrow.”

I frown; why the hell is he leaving it?

Zeke holds his hand up to halt my explosion. “I was thinking that it could help Yoreli heal if she confronted Talia and watched her be brought away in cuffs.”

That’s actually a fucking good idea. “We’ll have the cops on standby, but I agree. It could really help her.” If it doesn’t, then I’ll be there to pick up the pieces and help her through it.

He grins. “I’ll set it all up. We’re going to make sure that she’s safe, boss,” he promises.

“Get my brothers to be there tomorrow too. Just in case things go south.”

He nods. “I’m on it. You go home to Yoreli. She’ll be finished with the doctor soon.”

I glance at the clock and see that he’s right; it’s almost three-forty-five. I get to my feet. “If you need me, call.”

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