Page 36 of Saving Reli

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I kiss the top of her head offering her comfort. “Oh baby.”

She shrugs, “It’s okay, I’m happy where I am. Living with you. But I have decided what I want to do with the house.”

Now I’m surprised. “You have?”

“Mmhmm. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what I want to do with my life. What I’m going to do with all the money Dad left me and even though Talia took a lot, it’s not even a fraction of what dad left me, not to mention all the interest it’s been collecting since he died.” She sounds determined and I’m intrigued.

“What have you got planned, baby girl?”

She lifts her head so that I can see her and the smile that she has is blinding; she’s fucking happier than I’ve ever seen her. “I’ve had Lance and Zeke help me. I wanted to make sure that it was feasible before I said anything and both of them were dying to help me.”

Her happiness is infectious and the bad mood I had when she walked into my office is long gone. “Tell me.”

“I’m setting up a foundation. Zeke is helping me. Maine Foundation is going to help victims of abuse. Of any type of abuse. I want them to have a safe space to come to when they need it, but I also want to educate people in how to help those who have been abused or who they may think are being abused. Not everyone is as lucky as I was. I want people to be able to have someone to talk to, to understand what they are going through. But most of all, I want them to have a safe space.” The tears in her eyes as she tells me her vision makes this even so much more worthwhile.

“That’s amazing, baby.” I’m in awe of her and her strength. Every day she surprises me.

“Lance is helping me purchase the house next door to my house and we’re going to make a shelter for the abused. A place they can come too when they need it. Even if it’s for an hour or a year. This is my dream now, John, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make it happen.”

“What can I do to help?” There’s no way that I wouldn’t be on board with this. I think this is an amazing dream to have and she’s so selfless and caring. Of course she’d want to help everyone she can.

She reaches out and caresses my cheek. “All I need from you, is your support. I need to do this myself. I don’t say that to hurt you. I just want to achieve something. I don’t want to have to rely on you for everything.”

I nod, I understand that and I see her reasoning. I’m not upset; hell, I’m fucking proud of her. “You want your independence and doing this is that. I get it. You have my support no matter what you do, Reli, and if you need my help, I’ll be right here, all you have to do is ask. Until then, I’ll be cheering you on.”



“Thank you so much for coming with me,” I say to Sharon as Lance pulls up outside the mall.

Sharon smiles at me before climbing out of the car. “Like I’d ever say no to a shopping trip.”

I glance around; ever since John told me about the man that wants me, I’ve been extra careful. I always keep an eye on my surroundings. “I shouldn’t be too long,” I tell Lance.

Sharon laughs. “Oh, Reli, that’s not true. Lance, we’ll call you when we’re ready,” she tells him and I give him a sympathetic look.

“Let me just park and I’ll come with you,” he says and I’m actually grateful. I know that John would lose his mind if he thought I was alone in the mall with just his mom.

Sharon nods. “Okay, but meet us in the mall. Reli wants to get a new outfit for next week when she has a meeting with potential board members.” She links her arm through mine and pulls me toward the entrance to the mall. I glance back at Lance, who looks furious. I mouth the words ‘I’m sorry’ before Sharon pulls me out of view.

Everything is coming into place. Zeke and Lance are working hard to get everything I need in order, the reason I’m having a meeting with potential board members. I want to talk to them, get a feel for them. Ultimately, I want those on the board to have the same vision for the foundation that I have.

My attorney will be with me and she has been great. John had a hand in that. I asked him if he knew any good attorneys and he researched it for me and handed me a dossier with the top six he thought would be best for me to achieve my dream. She’s working tirelessly with me, Zeke, and Lance to ensure that all the paperwork is done and everything is legitimate. She’s very optimistic about having the planning permission granted to knock both houses and make a huge shelter. I’m not sure what inside information she and Lance have, but I’m not getting my hopes up. If I don’t get the planning permission, I’ll have both houses become a shelter and hopefully I can add a few more buildings in between the two of them.

“Let’s go in here. They have some great dresses and suits,” Sharon murmurs as she practically drags me into the store.

She’s right, they have amazing clothes and I’ve bought enough clothes to fill an entire wardrobe. When we leave the store, I glance around and see that Lance isn’t waiting for us. This is

unusual, as he’s usually by my side and if he’s not then he’s outside the store waiting for me.

He’s not outside the next couple of stores and I’m starting to get worried. “Sharon, I’m just going to check on Lance.”

Her eyes widen when she realizes that he’s not here. He told us he was parking the car and coming in with us. Even if he’s on his cell, he’s always around, staying close to me. My feet take me toward the exit as I fight back the fear. Something’s wrong. I can feel it in my gut. “Call John,” I tell Sharon as I pick up my pace.

The car isn’t parked out front. I scan the parking lot and I don’t see it. God, where is he? I hear Sharon on the phone as I continue to scan the parking lot. How hard can it be to find a black Lincoln town car?

There… Finally, I spot it. My breathing is hard as I move toward the car, I’m panting by the time I reach it. I’m so scared. What if something’s happened to him?

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