Page 16 of Midsummer Fling

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I punch Josh in the shoulder. Maybe a little too hard. “Listen. If we’re going to date then let’s date. But you should know I hate pranks. Hate. Them. So if you ever make jokes like that again, I will hide Legos all over the floor of your house for you to step on.”

Although I’m still a little mad, I bus away all of our trash to the nearest receptacle. When I return to the fountain, Josh grabs my hand and laces his fingers through mine, kissing my bottom knuckles. His lips brush so softly, but the reaction inside me is like someone lit a hundred sparklers at once.

“Come here.” He pulls me down on his lap and kisses me before I even know what’s happening. His warm lips envelop all my senses. Heat floods me, sparks electrify my skin. His tongue flicks the edge of my lip. My heart rate spikes. He pulls away with a mischievous smile.

I narrow my eyes at him. “Did you…?” I start.

His sheepish gaze tells me all I need to know. “Yeah you still had some stuff on your lip and I wanted to help you take it off.”

When he says, “take it off,” a heat builds down deep, between my legs.

I respond by licking my lips and studying his face, trying to decide where I want to kiss him back. “Tell me more about salty balls,” I say, arching my eyebrow.

He growls and pulls me in closer, hushing my mouth with a soft, sensual kiss. A long kiss. His tongue swipes my bottom lip again, testing me. I open to him, and the penetration ratchets up all the excitement that’s been building throughout the day. His hand rests on my knee and begins to creep up my thigh, coming to rest at the midpoint, under the hem of my dress. His other hand is still laced with my fingers. Our tongues slowly savor each other’s mouths. My world transforms into nothing but warmth, wetness, and wonder.

Chapter 14


It’s the longest drive ever back to the cabin.

But it’s also the sweetest.

Who knows how long we kissed on the fountain that afternoon? All I know is we came up for air when we started getting dirty looks from families with small children who were spreading out their blankets for the evening’s free outdoor concert.

I offered, “You wanna stay for the show?”

Penny, thank God, shook her head. “I think we should continue this conference next to a campfire.”

I’m so turned on I don’t know if I’m going to make it back to the cabin, but I don’t want to tell her that. On the ride back along the lakeshore in my truck, Penny holds my hand in her lap, the back of my hand resting in the ruffles of her dress with her fingers laced through mine. I can feel her body heat through the dress while she chatters.

“I was a girl scout, did I tell you that? Both me and my sister. I would love to see if I still know how to start a campfire.”

“It’s easy,” I say. “You get some paper, some wood, and some lighter fluid.”

She snorts in that way that I’ve grown immensely fond of. “We weren’t allowed to use lighter fluid, mister. It was flint or nothing.”

Whatever my girl wants, my girl gets. “We’ll do it your way, then.”

By the time we’re halfway to the resort, my hand is not just resting on her lap anymore. I’ve been a gentleman and let her set the pace, but apparently, the pace is meant to torture me.

The soft flutter of fabric brushes over my forearm. I’m not sure where this trip is going to end, but she’s starting it by brushing my knuckles over the warm skin of her thighs, under the dress.

“Is this okay?” she asks.

“Babe, it’s more than okay. I’ve been thinking of getting my hands under that dress since you came out of the bedroom wearing it this morning.”

Penny inches my hand up higher, moving it back and forth to massage her skin.

“Really? What have you been wanting to do with your hands?”

“I’ve got a dirty mind, Penny. You maybe aren’t ready for that.”

She whimpers as she drags my hand between her thighs so the backs of my fingers are right where they belong, rubbing up against her panties. “I’m not as innocent as you think.”

“Tell me what you’ve been thinking about.”
