Page 20 of Midsummer Fling

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“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just realizing I could be in Costa Rica with my housemates right now, having a beautiful time on the beach. But I never would have met you.”

Josh’s hand slides out from under my breasts to fully grasp one of them.

“I’m glad you ditched your housemates then.”

I sigh. “Yes, it was the right move. If I met a hot cabana attendant, I would not have been able to bring him back to the room for some alone time, anyway. No privacy. What’s the fun in that?” The giggling continues.

But not for Josh. Something has changed in his voice and I would almost be fearful if I wasn’t so ready to have this man inside me again.

Before I know what’s happening, he has me flat on my back. He hovers, inches from my face. His eyes flash with pure passion, his brows knit together in a serious madness.

“What’s this about a cabana attendant?”

I lace my fingers through his hair. “It was a joke.”

His breath catches. “Just so you know, I don’t like those kinds of jokes. You don’t like pranks and I don’t like jokes about hypothetical other dudes, okay?”

I nod. “Fair enough.”

Joshua brings his mouth down against mine in a fierce kiss that sears heat all through my body once again. I feel the familiar pull below my navel; my body anticipates joining with his as quickly as possible. The warm bedsheets rustle with his movements as his mouth covers

my jawline, neck, and chest, finally landing on one nipple with a deep groan in his throat.

I lace my fingers in his hair, tugging when the touch of his hands grows rougher with me. They are everywhere, his calluses deliciously scraping against my freshly shaven thighs. His mouth goes on a devouring path from one breast to the other, tugging and nipping at my breasts, stoking the fire that’s beginning to rage inside me.

His growls become more vocal. His kisses, more fervent. His hands, more forceful. He presses his long cock against my abdomen, creating a delicious friction between us. I want to respond, but he’s so powerful and seems so ready to be in charge of the moment, I let him have everything his way. He wants to overpower me, control me, lose himself in me.

He can’t take it anymore. He is a beast and I’m his plaything. And I love it. I love him. I never would have thought I would have such deep feelings for anyone. But I feel him everywhere. In my blood, in my bones, all over my skin, and in my soul.

The head of his cock teases my clit, and I’m surprised to feel the arousal build again so quickly, so intensely, after the night we’ve had.

“You’re so wet,” he rumbles, his mouth against my breast, his breath hot against my skin. “You’re so fucking wet, I can’t wait to taste you.”

“It’s all yours. All of me,” I whisper.

He lays his head between my breasts and whispers between ardent kisses, “You’re mine. Mine. All mine.”

Almost without any effort, Josh sweeps me up so instead of being flat on my back, I’m leaning against the pillow-laden headboard. His hands spread open my thighs, and he whispers. “I’ve been thinking about tasting you all night.”

The kisses, licks and nips up my thighs—both sides—eventually reach the sweet spot. There, at the core of my desire, he covers my sensitive skin with devouring kisses. Firm but gentle nips. Penetrative licks. He leaves nothing untouched, unsavored, untasted. It feels like Josh’s tongue, mouth, and hands are everywhere. I feel like I’m on another planet altogether. His firm tongue teases my folds one minute, then delves deep into my entrance. His lips toy with my clit, making me squirm, and then suck that source of my arousal into his mouth.

“You are a fucking goddess, and your honey is all mine, Penny.” The edge in his voice reveals another level of possessive beast. I am startled, thrilled at the growls coming from somewhere deep and dark inside him.

I’m so ready to burst with pleasure that my fingers grasp the fitted sheet and yank it free from the top corners of the mattress.

A wicked laugh escapes his throat while I writhe and buck against his mouth. His breathing rapid, he tells me, “I need to hear you say it. Is this honey for me?”

“It’s all for you, only you,” I reply, barely getting the words out because I’m being made to see stars with the way his mouth is working me over.

I scream out his name when my release slams through me.

Shockingly, he keeps going. Is it possible to die from feeling too good? If it is, I’d be fine with that, at this moment. Josh continues to drink every bit of me until I’m so spent I have to beg him to stop.

I still haven’t caught my breath by the time he’s got me wrapped in his arms, sharing my taste with his kisses.

“Delirious,” I sigh. “You’ve wrecked me and now I’m delirious.”

Josh smooths his palm over my breast and tummy. “That’s too bad because I thought we could take another trip today.”
