Page 32 of Suddenly Married

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His compliment disarmed her, and it opened one more layer to the complexity of their interactions. She opened her mouth to protest, but then his gaze caught hers, and a different kind of heat clutched her heart, then surged down her body until it settled between her legs.

“What? No animal references?” He gave her a teasing smile. “You’re speechless?” He took her hand, then planted a kiss on the inside of her wrist. His lips caressed her skin, sending little tingles of sexual awareness up her arm. She shivered, caught in the moment, the mix of tenderness and determination in his stance melting her inside.

He pulled her to him, then in the same fluid move, eased her on the mattress, his strong body hovering over hers, his lips a breath from hers. She stared into his eyes, and her heartbeat elevated like she’d been running from a thief. She’d been cornered and damn it, there was no place to hide.

“I’m falling…” she said, then caught herself before she continued. So desperate to cling to the last shred of preservation. The words in love with you hung in the air, trapped in her throat, and she wondered if he could read them in her eyes. Her cheeks warmed, a wave of embarrassment sweeping over her. Idiot, she chastised herself. They had a good thing going, and she was about to ruin everything and make a fool out of herself.

“Moi aussi,” he said, then a beat later, translated as if he didn’t want to leave any room for misinterpretation, “Me too.”

His declaration released a shot of adrenaline into her system. A giddy sensation spread through her, and she felt like she time traveled and was a teenager again, with her heart in her mouth, her palms sweaty, her throat dry. Her internal state of euphoria amplified when he captured her lips in his, in a kiss that staked a claim like a flag to a newly colonized piece of land.

Aroused, she wrapped her legs around him, little throbs of awareness already flashing in her sex. He stroked her tongue with his, and she grinded against him, so eager to show him how much she wanted him. How much she’d just willingly jumped off a precipice. But for the first time, she wasn’t alone in her jump.

He disengaged from her and fumbled out of his clothes while she removed the robe and put it aside. The hungry look in his face increased her need for him, her nipples so taut they ached.

Once naked, he didn’t cover her with his body right away. He flipped her around, positioning her belly on the mattress, and lifted her ass. A frisson swept over her, and she quivered, anticipating what was to come.

Her pussy was so wet she could feel her thighs damp, tender, trembling.

He parted her legs, and scissored her folds, the tips of his fingers sending vibrations to the rest of her. God, she was ready. She’d been ready for this man before she even met him. She’d been ready for him before she even knew she needed him.

He moaned, a growly sound that reminded her of a mating call.

Then, he replaced his fingers with his cock, and thrust inside her, deep. Hard. A combination of ache and excitement filled her, and she could feel the throbbing sensation from her inner walls clinging to him. The delicious way he filled her so completely, she had to draw a breath from deep in her lungs.

“Luc,” she pleaded. Demanded. Begged.

He perched his hands on her sides, his fingers pressing into her skin. When he withdrew his cock, she whimpered, and his return, ruthless and powerful, had her clenching the pillow. Eager for more, she rocked her hips, arching her back, and deepening his thrust even more.

More ache reverberated through her, this time sending little electric zings to her core. Damn it, there was no way she’d make it long. He groaned, and she could hear the despair in his voice. He wasn’t going to make it long either.

He drooped over her, without breaking contact, and kissed her back, depositing little pecks on her skin until he nipped her shoulder.

She squirmed under him, so sure she was about to come undone. “Luc… I…”

“Let’s get there together, mon amour,” he said, before going into a long string of sentences in French, his voice hoarse. “You and I. Together.”

“Yes,” she hissed out. She’d agree to rob a bank at this point. Together.

He snuck his right hand down to her sex and swiped her clit, the achy bud already throbbing with need. She curled her hips, undulating from side to side, while he continued slamming into her, and then, the slight shift of the angle charged her and sent her body into high alert.

“I… am…” she said between breaths, as flashes jumped from the corner of her eyes, her vision dotted.

“Yes,” he said, then flicked her clit relentlessly, pumping into her, and she let go as pleasure exploded within her, breaking any and all the barriers, her heart tattooing her ribcage. Waves of the most extraordinary sensation rode through her, and his growl announced his own orgasm as hers still drilled her. He spilled every bit of him inside her, calling her name, kissing her shoulder.

If earlier she felt like she was falling with him, jumping into the unknown, now she was flying.
