Page 2 of Lawyer

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The door opens but I ignore it at first, reading over the case as I try to gather my thoughts and get my head in the game as my client drops down heavily into the chair across from me. But all I can seem to think about is that after more than a decade at the firm, if August thinks I’m just going to roll over and take it, then he doesn’t know a goddamn thing about me. I’m not the “turn the other cheek,” type. Never have been and never will be. I don’t believe in passivity or taking shit from anybody. If you punch me, I’m going to punch you back twice as hard.

With a heavy sigh, I finally raise my gaze and the words of my usual perfunctory greeting die on my lips. My stomach lurches and tendrils of fire crawl through my veins, warming me from the inside out. Sitting across from me is my client. Aria Benson. She’s twenty-two years old with the sort of firm but curvy and thick in all the right places body that comes with her youth. Even the drab gray county-issued jumpsuit she’s wearing can’t dull her shine or hide the incredible body beneath it. And as I gaze into her eyes, my cock stiffens

Her full breasts and hips strain the fabric of the jumpsuit and she’s got a thick, red ponytail that falls to the middle of her back. Her eyes sparkle like polished emeralds, and she’s got a soft, milky white complexion. Aria has a look of innocence and that girl next door air about her. But I can see that she’s got a hard edge underneath it all. She gnaws on her bottom lip as she looks at me. But then she looks away and picks at her nails or plucks imaginary lint off her jumpsuit. She can’t sit still and keeps fidgeting. Though she’s looking at me with her chin tilted up and a gleam of defiance in her eyes, the trembling in her hands betray her. She’s scared.

She’s fucking gorgeous and as we sit there staring at each other, the only thought running through my head involves me bending her over that table between us and filling her up from behind. My cock pulses in time with my heartbeat as I think about just how warm and wet she’d be with my staff buried to the hilt inside of her. As I think about the feel of those round and perky tits in my hands and the sounds of pleasure she’d make as I pumped myself into her hard and deep, my cock gets uncomfortable, almost painfully hard.

“You’re my lawyer, right?” she finally asks.

I give my head a small shake and pull myself back to the moment. I try to focus on the task at hand, but I can’t stop thinking about how her warm little mouth and those full red lips would feel wrapped around my shaft.

“Yeah. I’m your lawyer, Aria,” I manage. “Just call me Silas.”

“Okay, so what do we do now?”

That’s a loaded question because I know exactly what I want to do right now. But given that I’m her lawyer and we’re sitting in county lockup, that’s not going to fly. But this case seems easy enough to dispose of, which means there’s an expiration date on how long I’m going to be her lawyer. And when I’m not, we’re going to do everything that’s flashing through my mind right now.

Aria doesn’t know it just yet, but she and I are going to be spending a lot of time enjoying each other. When I set my sights on something, it’s rare that I don’t get it. And right now, my sights are set on being deep inside of her. I’m determined to have her in every way possible and to fill her with my seed. I’m determined that she’s going to be mine. And when I’m determined, I’m a force of fucking nature.

“Can you get me out of here?” she asks.

I glance down at her file again. “Yeah, you’re look at a misdemeanor possession charge. It shouldn’t be too hard to get you out of here. You’re just going to need to post bond.”

The corners of her mouth pull down into a frown and she starts picking at the pants of her jumpsuit again. Aria looks miserable.

“You don’t have the money for bond, do you?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “No.”

I sigh. “Okay, let’s start from the beginning. Tell me about the drugs they found on you,” I tell her. “The report says you had pills—Adderall and Oxy—and weed on you. But there were also baggies with meth residue in them. Is that accurate?”

She nods. “Yeah.”

“The report also says you told the cops it was all for personal use. Is that accurate?”

She nods again. “Yeah.”

She looks down again, unable to meet my eyes and goes back to gnawing on her bottom lip. I’ve always been good at reading people and know that she’s lying to me.

“This isn’t going to work if you’re not honest with me, Aria.”

“What? I am being honest.”

“You’re not,” I reply. “So, let’s try this again. You told the cops who busted you the drugs they found were for personal use. I know you’re lying. My question is, why?”

She opens her mouth as if to speak but closes it again and lowers her gaze once more. There’s defiance in her eyes and she doesn’t like being called out like that. But there’s something more there: fear.

“You’re selling the drugs, aren’t you?” I ask.

Her eyes shimmer with tears and she angrily wipes them away with the back of her hand and sniffs loudly. I’m just about to repeat the question when she nods.

“Okay, that’s a start,” I tell her. “Why are you dealing?”

“I need to make money to pay for tuition, okay? My job at the bar doesn’t pay enough,” she says, her tone hard.

“That’s information we can use,” I say. “It would sweeten the pot though, and likely get you a better deal if you told me who your distributor is.”

She shakes her head. “No. I can’t.”
