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I don’t go far. Cain and I share a home, a bed, and our lives are entwined. But I’ve felt the sting of loneliness he’s talking about. Some days, most days, a few feet apart is too far away for comfort.

“I’d have loved to take you away again. This time to some romantic moonlit coast, in the middle of nowhere, where no one knows my name. I want this night to be as special as the first time we laid together, the day we conceived James. But I can’t spend another minute of my life pondering the question and the answer that comes with it. I love you, Alyssa. I want you in my life from now, until forever.”

Cain jams a hand into his trouser pocket. He draws from it a black velvet box, lined with silver. He raises one leg higher than the other, those predatory eyes expecting a yes, while the rest of his face fears a no.

It’s finally happening. He’s about to make me the happiest woman in the world while I stand bare butt naked feeling self-conscious about the name I chose for our son.

“I realized a while back that there will never be a more precious time than the present. The fantasy of going away to some far-off land to ask you this is entertaining at best, but I don’t want our lives to be like that. I want to relinquish this lifestyle and give myself wholly and fully to you.” Cain snaps open the little black box and sitting on a foam bed is an exquisite diamond ring enveloped in a golden band. “Alyssa Dresden, will you marry me?”

Tears stream down my face before the question leaves his mouth. I have one hand on his shoulder, steadying myself on his unwavering frame, while the other clasps the weepy moans in my mouth.

“Yes, Cain. I'm yours, forever and always.”

He removes the circlet from the box and slides it up my ring finger. Cain gets off his knees and seals our betrothal with a kiss. It’s soft, yet somehow passionate and fiery all at once. It warms my belly and fuels the urge I had in my loins when I stepped through the door. A kiss won’t satiate those wild desires.

“Now, you came in here on a mission. Let me be the one to help you accomplish it,” he says.

“Like I have any other choice?” I thrust a flat palm into Cain’s chest and he tumbles back into the sofa.

“You never did, no. I just wanted you burning hot and dripping wet for me when I got my first taste.”

Cain doesn’t hesitate to push his face between my legs. His tongue instantly finds my nub as if a magnet drew him towards it. I throw my hands wildly over his head, grabbing at tufts of his quaffed hair and forcing his head tightly against my clit.

“Fuck, I love how good you taste,” Cain’s hot breath tickles my tender skin.

“Fuck, I love you,” I respond.

Extended Epilogue


Twelve years later

Until Alyssa Dresden came into my life, I didn’t know I could ever love or be loved. I didn’t know what happiness was until I promised her ice cream, and she delivered it days later with Tony at my door. We met in a time of hardship and found love in the most obscure of places. For that, I’m eternally grateful.

“Dad, Lisa stole my ball again,” little Rocky cries from the front yard. No older than Tony when he lost his father, my son hasn’t learned to deal with the threats of his older siblings. Someday he’ll learn and someday he’ll fight back. For now, I must be his hero.

“Lisa, give your brother his ball back,” I order. My once menacing tone that stilled the hearts of my enemies falls deaf in my daughter’s ears. She giggles and laughs, holding the ball above Rocky’s head while he jumps and reaches for it.

“Lisa, I won’t repeat myself.” The more threatening I sound, the less fear she displays. She has her father’s spirit and her mother’s looks . . . the world won’t know what hit it when she enters adulthood.

I used to be a cruel man who lived by the sword and knew how to use it, but as the years went on and my hair turned grey, I lost that side of myself. My children changed me. They reinvigorated my life with new hope, new love, and a desire to be different.

We packed up and moved out of Boston for a small town in Colorado. The crisp mountain air is my only reminder of the cold past I once lived. Alyssa Dresden changed me, she showed me that life was worth living beyond death.

“There we go. Martin is fast asleep and I’m all yours,” her voice catches me off guard. “What the . . . how can you let James play with an axe?”

Alyssa collapses into the double-seater swing on the front porch. It rocks back and forth, and without giving her an answer, I throw myself into her. I plant a ginger kiss against her neck.

“Winter is coming, Alyssa. The boy needs to learn how to chop firewood.”

“He’s twelve, Cain,” she says, shooing away my advances.

I needn’t remind her of what I’d done at twelve. Chopping firewood and playing with axes were the least of my concerns, but I say nothing. Alyssa worries about our firstborn son’s safety, and I respect her fears.

“Tony’s keeping a close eye on him. We have nothing to worry about.” I snake an arm around her midsection. My hand finds a way directly to her breast and my fingers graze the erect nub through her thick winter coat.

She slaps it away. “Settle down, tiger.”
