Page 20 of Watt and Bothered

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“That’s enough!” my dad bellowed, his cheeks growing ruddy. “I will not have you embarrass me any longer. Go to your room. Now.”

“You don’t need to listen to them. Move in with me. I’ll take better care of you than they ever could,” Silas vowed.

My gaze darted toward my dad, who was impatiently tapping his toe against the floor. He didn’t seem overly concerned that I was taking Silas’s offer seriously. Probably because I’d always bowed to their wishes without much thought…until now. Giving in to what my parents wanted meant walking away from the man I’d quickly fallen head over heels in love with.Forever.

I didn’t want to do that, but I wasn’t sure exactly what Silas was suggesting. My heart raced at the possibility of spending the rest of my life with this amazing man, but if I left with him now, my parents would probably never forgive me. Which meant there would be no going back from this decision. “We just met a few days ago. Are you sure you’re ready for me to move into your cabin in the woods?”

“You clearly don’t know my daughter that well if you think she’s going to leave the comfortable life I provide her to run off to the wilderness with you,” my father scoffed.

“No, Dad. You’re the one who doesn’t know me.” This time, I was the one glaring at one of my parents. “And you’re proving yet again that you don’t listen to me because I literally just said that I don’t care about the stuff you can buy me. Material things aren’t what really matter.”

“That’s easy to say when you’ve never had to want for anything,” he retorted.

“I might not be able to provide Juniper with everything you can, but I can give her what’s truly important.” He gripped my chin again and turned my head so we were looking at each other. “I meant it when I said we were made for each other, my beauty.”

Although I agreed, I hadn’t taken his words seriously when they’d been spoken in the heat of passion. But the sincerity shining in his bright blue eyes and dripping from his tone made my heart beat faster. They gave me the courage to bring up that four-letter word I’d been holding back since I first realized how deep my feelings for Silas were. “I think so, too. But there’s only one reason that’s good enough to convince me to move in with you.”

“And what’s that?” he asked,


His lips curved into the sweetest smile, and there was no missing the depth of feeling in his bright-blue orbs as he said, “Then you better get your ass to your room to pack your stuff because I love you.”

My mom gasped, and I wasn’t sure if it was because of the language Silas used or the fact that he’d just professed his love for me. Either way, what she thought no longer mattered. Having Silas’s love set me free.

“That’s exactly what I needed to hear.”

“I could use the words, too.” His smile widened, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his gaze. “Assuming you feel the same.”

“Oh, sorry.” I shook my head, clearing the daze of having my dreams come true. Cupping his cheek, I whispered, “I absolutely, positively love you, too.”

“Then let's go grab whatever you want from upstairs so we can get out of here.”

“Okay.” Interlacing our fingers, I led him up to the bedroom I was using. Grabbing my suitcase from the closet, I jerked my chin toward the dresser. “Could you toss everything in here while I get my stuff from the bathroom?”

“Of course,” he muttered, yanking open the top drawer. “Whatever it takes to get us out the door faster, count me in.”

It didn’t take us long to pack everything up. My parents were waiting for us when we came back downstairs, my dad standing in front of the door. We couldn’t get past him to leave unless he moved.

“I’m leaving with Silas, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”

“If you go with him now, you won’t be welcome back in my home,” my dad warned.

I hadn’t been joking when I said I wasn’t into material things like my parents were. I didn’t need much to make me happy, and I had packed most of my favorite things for our trip. If I didn’t get the stuff I’d left at home, I’d quickly get over their loss. “I’m sorry you feel that way, but your threats aren’t going to change my mind.”

“Let her go,” my mom drawled with a careless shrug. “She’ll come crawling back eventually.”

I felt the electricity gathering in Silas’s body again, and I didn’t want him to do anything he’d regret later. If being pissed at my parents triggered the same reaction that being jealous of James had, then one or both of them would be in for quite the shock…literally.

Just like before, I stroked my hand down his arm as I murmured, “Remember. They’re not worth it.”

Dismissing my father that way was apparently the last straw for him because he didn’t bother to look back at me as he strode into the living room. I was oddly okay with having them disown me, so I beamed a reassuring smile at Silas as I nudged him toward the door. “C’mon, let’s go.”

Silas was quiet as we loaded my things into the Jeep, waiting until we were inside the vehicle to turn to me and say, “I’m so sorry, my beauty. I hate that you have to make such a big sacrifice to be with me, but I swear I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you never regret your decision today.”

I didn’t think there would ever be a day I’d second-guess my decision. Leaning over, I gave him a quick kiss. “Just keep loving me. That’s all I need.”

