Page 5 of Watt and Bothered

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What the fuck?

Desire slammed into me, nearly knocking me off balance, but I managed to remain steady on my feet. I hadn’t experienced attraction like that in…I honestly couldn’t remember ever feeling so drawn to a woman.

She was petite but had a mouthwatering hourglass figure with full tits, a small waist, and curvy hips. Her long, wavy hair was obviously blond, but it was tinted with a pretty shade of lavender. I couldn’t tell for sure, but her eyes looked like a rich shade of whiskey-brown, rimmed with thick lashes. Her lips were rose-colored, puffy, and round—perfect for kissing or wrapping around my cock.

I’d never seen such perfection.

My hands literally crackled with electricity as the desire to feel her skin against mine consumed me. Reels of our naked bodies dripping with sweat as we writhed in passion played like a movie in my mind.

I curled my fingers into tight fists, hoping the sting from my nails digging into my flesh would bring me back to reality. Anguish and rage burned in my gut as I forced myself to face the truth. I would never be able to touch her silky skin. Never feel the soft glide of her fingers over my body.

Random images bombarded me, and I blinked a few times to clear them away. But I still caught glimpses—this gorgeous girl dressed in white, spread out on my bed in nothing at all, walking around with a swollen belly and a toddler at her side. Every thought was followed by even more frustration until I mentally screamed at myself to stop. Picturing things that didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of coming to fruition was nothing but torture.

As the spell wore off, I noticed that she looked terrified, and I immediately wiped my expression. I didn’t want this beautiful creature to ever be afraid of me.

Slowly, I took a deep breath and calmed my racing heart. As my adrenaline receded, so did the electric current traveling over my skin.

“Come here,” I growled in a harsher tone than I’d intended. She was too far away, and I wanted to be able to see her better.

“Um…” She glanced around nervously, then pushed her shoulders back and ascended the five steps to stand on the wood planks of my deck.

I almost smiled at her adorable show of bravado, but when she bit her lip, it sent a shot of desire straight to my aching cock.Fuck. Obviously, I was a glutton for punishment because, instead of telling her to leave, I had asked her to come closer. Why? Because I wanted to see her better. To memorize her features and delicious curves before I sent her back to wherever she’d come from.

Reaching out to my left, I found the switch for the porch lights and flipped it up. The flood of brightness blinded me for a second. When my vision cleared, I spotted the girl shading her eyes as she took a step back. But she’d been standing at the edge of the stairs, so she immediately lost her balance and began to tip backward.

I hurried across the deck, wondering how the fuck I was going to help her. But she swung her arms forward and threw her weight in the same direction. One second, she was about to tumble down the steps, and the next, she was flying straight at me.

“Oomph.” We both grunted at the impact of her body slamming into mine, and my arms immediately closed around her.

All of my nerve endings buzzed with electricity, and my cock was about to bust through my zipper.I probably should have buttoned my pants, but how the hell was I supposed to know that the most beautiful woman in the world would wander into my domain?My heart squeezed, and I prepared for her body to convulse before it went limp and lifeless in my arms. Except this time, Mags wasn’t here to fix my fuckup.

But nothing happened.

“I’m so sorry,” she mumbled, trying to take a step away.

My mouth had gone dry, making it difficult to speak, but I wasn’t about to let her go, so I tightened my embrace.

“Are you okay?” I croaked.

“Yes, um. Are you? I’m sorry I just ran into you. I—”

She’s alive. How the fuck is this possible? I kept her pressed against me but reared my head back to look down at her carefully. She wasn’t even shaking from the slightest reaction to my voltage. “I’m fine. Are you sure you’re okay? I didn’t zap you?”

“Zap me?” she asked, sounding bewildered as she focused those gorgeous green gems on my face.

“You don’t feel any tingling anywhere?” I queried insistently.

Her beautiful face went from a soft peach color to the bright shade of a ripe tomato. “Um…” She squirmed a little and looked everywhere but at me.

The movement brushed the points of her hard nipples over my chest, and she sucked in a fast breath.

It suddenly hit me…what she thought I’d meant by my question. And what her reaction said about her answer.

Son of a bitch.

Electric currents raced over my skin, and she shivered, but from the flush of her skin, I was positive—no pun intended—that the cause was from the desire that crackled between us.

Was it really possible? Was she immune to my deadly power? Could we…?
