Page 23 of Moon Claimed

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I launched myself at Rika, aiming low for her knees. This was no airborne tackle but more like a belly flop on my part. Surprise and my low center of gravity were more effective than I’d guessed.

“Oomph.” Rika hit the ground face-up, with me landing on top of her.

That’s when my unappreciated previously good luck ended. To our horror, our momentum propelled the two of us downward.

As a kid back in Ohio, I loved sledding. I was even pretty good at it, sensing when to lean one way or the other, just so, to increase my speed. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined my sledding days would one day find me riding a succubus down a snowy Maine mountain.

“Watch out!” I called. My first full-on look at Brody wolf was his dark eyes wide in surprise.

I closed my eyes, bracing for impact. Hitting him at this speed was going to hurt like a bitch. I felt the whoosh of moving air. The back of my jacket jerked like a parachute opening.

I cracked open my eyes.

Brody’s wolf had pawed me off Rika and I hung in the air from his enormous claws while his left paw swatted her away from me.

Oh, look at that. Succubus can fly. She went airborne with a look of surprise mixed with outrage plastered on her face. Her fur hat flew off and that crooked cane of hers was buried in some snow bank, no doubt.

Brody raised his snout and released a horrifying howl that caused the snow beneath our feet to quake. I was never sure if that was satisfaction at separating us or disappointment that Rika was still intact.

The succubus continued tumbling down the mountain, dislodging snow.

That particular spot she came into contact with must have been warmer than farther up the mountain. The snow around her point of impact cracked and then, in one fluid motion, gave way. An avalanche rolled down the mountain in a blinding cloud of snow. The roar was louder than anything Brody’s wolf was capable of.

And she was gone in that fresh mountain of snow.

Far beyond, Sleepy Briar rested undisturbed.

Brody lowered me to the ground, careful to keep me away from the edge.

I was shaking. “Did you find Theo?”

The wolf nodded.

“He’s safe?”

The wolf nodded again.

I flexed my cramped hand, releasing Rika’s bag. I had gripped it when we separated. Tucking it in my jacket pocket, I touched my ice wolf’s bleeding ear.

“Come on, let’s go home.”



We returned home, courtesy of my wolf. A grimy Theo was fast asleep in child form on the couch next to Gabe. The babysitter raised his head from his current copy ofModern Taxidermist, placing a finger to his lips to quiet us.

“He’s exhausted, and honestly he had a few too many cookies before he conked out. If you wake him, you will quite literally have a little wolf on your hands.” Gabe slid off the couch and tiptoed to the door.

Stopping by Willow, he kissed her on the forehead. “Glad you’re back. See you tomorrow.2 Then to me he said, “You killed her.”

It was a statement, not a question.

“Avalanche. Nothing could survive that. Even a succubus. Sleepy Briar is safe now. Spread the word.”

Gabe raised an eyebrow at me but exited the back door without a word.

Willow locked the door behind him. She reached up, touching my bloodstained face. Her fingertips danced along my brow. “Let’s get you cleaned up and then let’s talk.”
