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Every fiber of my being told me that I needed to get out of there as quickly as I could. I needed to get away from the man that kissed me, my neighbor. Not only was he tall, dark-haired with an incredible body, but he had one hell of a voice. It wasn’t the tight jeans over thick thighs that held my attention the longest, it was his voice. Every song after that, felt like he was singing to me and his deep brown eyes never left mine. It felt almost like he was holding me hostage with his gaze.

I shivered and took another sip of my drink. I was supposed to be back home at a party, but I’m sure that my time here was going to be better spent. I knew that all my parents wanted was for me to find a man. I couldn’t help but think that I had. I was still trying to recover from the kiss that he’d planted on me earlier.

The man could sing, play guitar, and kissed like a god. He seemed too good to be true, and I wasn’t sure if he was real or not. I wanted him to be, especially as my heart melted. He was singing right to me. He had such a presence on stage and when I looked around at the crowd, I noticed that many women were checking him out. I didn’t like that at all. He wasn’t mine, but I didn’t want him to be anyone else’s either.

All of the extra attention that he was getting was not easy for me to see. I don't know why I wanted to claim Nick as my own, however, I did. I felt something when I was around him. It wasn't the first time that some guy had found it his fancy to kiss me. But, it was definitely the first time that I felt something like that from it. I'm not even sure what ‘it’ was, but Nick was a man that made all the girls in the vicinity take notice.

The set lasted for a couple more songs, and even though I was supposed to be at the party, I waited until he was finished. I don't really know what I expected from him, just that I expected it to be different. I expected him to be different.

When it was done, he came straight to me with a smile on his face. I was still trying to figure out why I had stayed, but then he smiled in a devastating way, a dimple appearing in his cheeks, and my heart melted again.

Oh, yeah, that’s why.

“So, do you want to get out of here? We can go back to my place and get acquainted better. I have a few things that I would like to show you.”

As much as I wanted to do just that, something told me to say no. It wasn't just that it wasn't the proper time or anything like that. It was me being nervous. I didn't trust myself with this guy. I just met the man and I already knew that he was going to be bad news. I didn't understand how or why, but I knew that he would change everything. I didn’t know if I was ready for that.

“I have to go to my party, remember? My parents are already going to be pissed off at me. I at least have to make some sort of appearance. Didn’t you say that your dad wanted you to go?”

He waved me off and said that he didn't have to go anywhere. Nick made it clear that he wanted to stay there with me, but I knew that it would not end well. Being alone around the guy like Nick was going to be more temptation than even someone like me could handle.

How could I even say no to him? His dark eyes sparkled and he smiled. I was left thinking naughty thoughts that made me blush and made it impossible for me to really look at him.

“Why don't you come with me to the party? Then, we will both make our parents happy, and we will see what happens from there. The house big and I'm sure that we can slip off somewhere when you’re ready for the rest of me. I can’t wait to slip inside of you and make you scream.”

My eyes got round, I know they did. I couldn’t believe he had said such a thing to me. What was most shocking of all, was how my whole body immediately reacted. My knees got weak, panties got wet, and I was trembling a little bit inside. Didn’t he understand what he was doing to me?

Tommy walked upwhile we were talking and I was introduced to him, as well as the rest of the band. They were all really nice, and my mind wanted to know how many women Nick had picked up this way. Nick was a smooth talker, and I didn’t want to fall into his lap. It was hard to not fall for it hook, line, and sinker. Especially when I wanted what he said to me to all be true.

Another man came up to us right before we were about to leave. He said that he wanted to go talk to Nick. I said that there was no problem with that and that I would be waiting by the door, but Nick insisted that we leave together. It wasn't until about a mile after we were down the road, that he told me it was some guy that worked for a label interested in signing the band.

“Why in the world would you ignore him?”

“I am not ignoring him. I just want to spend some time with you. It's not every day that you meet your soulmate.”

“Wait, what? Soulmate?”

I knew that he was just joking around, but saying things like that made me feel funny inside. I didn't want to think that the feelings inside of me were the same that he described. I wanted to believe it, Nick as smitten as me, but I wasn’t that naïve. I could clearly see what kind of man he was. He probably had women throwing themselves at him.

He offered to give me a ride to my house and I took it. I had no idea what I was going to find when I got there, but I knew I had to make an appearance and at least I didn't have to do it alone now. I felt better having Nick by my side, and I secretly hoped that mom would get the wrong idea and she would leave me be about a man for once.

There was also a part of me that had taken note of the fact that he had been invited to the party. If that was the case, and his family was going, that meant that they were well off. If he came from a good family, my parents wouldn’t care. They might even encourage a budding romance that was starting between the two of us.

Driving to the house with Nick next to me was hard. I just felt this connection and I was questioning everything. Life wasn’t supposed to go like this. I wasn’t supposed to find a man like Nick. He was too perfect, and I studied his profile from the passenger side where I was sitting, looking for some hideous flaw to settle my nerves. If he wasn’t perfect, then he was real and he could be mine.

“You’re staring.”

I looked away and giggled. “Well, you’re pretty.”

He scoffed and it didn’t matter if he liked the word I used or not. It was true. No woman could look at the man and not think the same thing. It wasn’t like he had feminine features or anything like that. It was just how handsome he was. His square jaw was perfect as was every other part of him. Nick just screamed man.

While I was checking him out, the whole time I was wondering what had happened and wondering how I had met a guy like Nick.

“Well, keep on staring if that’s what you think. It doesn’t hurt my feelings any. As long as you come home with me tonight, you can call me whatever you want.”

I smiled and nodded a bit, but there was no way that I was going home with him or anyone else tonight. I was frustrated that every guy I met wanted one thing. I wasn’t ready for it and maybe it was worse with Nick, because I wanted him just as badly. I knew it wasn’t a good idea to go with him to the party, but I did anyway. Secretly maybe, I was hoping that they would see him and get off my back.

When we got there, the place was lit up like Christmas and there were people everywhere. I was relieved a little, because I knew that no one was going to come after me. My parents were probably already drinking and wouldn’t be worried about much. They wouldn’t care that I had brought a complete stranger over. I doubted that I would see them at all. Something my parents loved to do was party and show off. This was a double whammy, and I was sure that they were running around here somewhere, loving every minute of it.

We walked in and he held my hand. It was a small gesture, but one that was noted and confusing. What was I doing here with him?

“Why don’t you show me your room? You know, give me the fifty-cent tour.”

I giggled. What a way to say it. He had a different way of talking about things. He had this gleam in his eyes, much like the time when he had kissed me, so I blanched at the look and told him that I would. I was nervous, though. Why was I so nervous? Being around Nick was awakening something inside of me that I didn’t know existed, and it scared me.

“How about we get a drink instead?”
