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Lycus, Ace, Drex, and Minos all had women who, eventually, accepted them, loved them, embraced an unconventional future with them that included becoming just a little bit demonic themselves.

I had no delusions about my situation.

Not after I saw the shock and horror on Charlotte’s perfect fucking face when she’d gotten a peek at the real me.

There was no happily ever after for me.

The best I could hope for was that Arick could help me. Short of that, maybe I could get back to my old life, my old job, find some purpose, some way to distract myself.

Even just thinking of leaving, though, made that tugging sensation in my heart intensify to the point that I got up and grabbed another bottle of liquor, and started to chug that down.

The rest of that day and half of the next was a pain-soaked blur. I tried to sleep, but found myself plagued with images of her. Not dreams. No. It was more than that. It was that connection between us. It was making me actually see through her eyes, feel her feelings.

She was on her laptop, searching through articles about the natural disasters, and I felt the unease building inside of her.

Then she paced and drank too much coffee.

Eventually, she went into work where I sensed she didn’t have any of the energy she needed to get through the day. Which she confirmed when she called her class early to retreat back to her office.

It was then that I felt something. A spark of deep understanding.

Then I saw her.

An actual fucking goddess.

The connection snapped right then, though, as I jolted fully awake, finding myself aching and pining for her at the same time.

Not even a long shower and taking the matter into my own hands seemed to do anything to ease it.

“You don’t look great,” Aram greeted me when I finally emerged from my room a couple days later as we both moved out into the hall at the same time.

“Thanks. I feel worse,” I admitted since it was the truth. And I figured the word had already gotten around about the Claiming.

“You’ll get better at handling it,” he assured me, then moved back into his room before I could question him about that.

Aram hadn’t Claimed anyone, as far as I knew.

He had been almost obsessively determined to find Red, though. Day and night for months, even when there were no signs of her.

Had he Claimed her?

Could we even Claim other demons?

I feel like if that was a possibility, it would be something that was more widely known back home.

But it was the only explanation, right? Since demons didn’t just… love. Not like humans did. Or, at least, that was what I’d always been taught.

Maybe things were different for the demons who’d been on Earth for a long time, though. I was hoping not to stick around long enough to find out.

That was what was on my mind as I made my way downstairs.

“Fucking finally,” Ace grumbled as he warmed his hands with his coffee cup. “Are you ever planning on going to see Arick, or should I send someone else?” he asked.

“I’ll go today,” I told him as I went toward the coffee machine.

Minos was right.

It didn’t feel any better.
