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And as my forehead hit his shoulder as the waves kept rolling through me, I felt his wings shoot out and wrap around me as Bael cursed out my name.

Somehow, nothing had ever felt quite as right as being held against his strong body by those soft wings.

Maybe that was how it started.


The romantic kind.

By something just… clicking, just feeling inexplicably right.

The other stuff, the getting to know someone stuff, the connections, the roots, maybe that all came after.

My cheek pressed to his shoulder as my breath sighed out of me, and his wings closed even tighter as his arms wrapped me up tight too. And I was pretty sure I felt his lips press into my hair.

Sweetness from a man not prone to it.

Love, from a man who seemed more comfortable with hate.

That was something worth exploring, wasn’t it? Especially if the world was all but ending.

“The fuck…” Bael hissed as I jolted at the sound of banging from a floor below.

“What is that?” I asked as Bael carefully pushed me off of his lap.

“The front door,” he said as I rushed toward the bathroom, haphazardly grabbing my clothes as I went.

By the time I got back, Bael was already out of the room, leaving me to rush behind him as Arick’s words played over in my head.

About an unexpected visitor.

And, despite myself, I couldn’t help but wonder who the heck it could be.

“Charlotte, get back in the room,” Bael growled as I came rushing down the steps to find him and his friends all making their way to the door.

It was a sexy growl, though.

I never would have thought such a thing would exist, least of all when a man was barking at me to do something.

But it came from a place of protection, and because of that, it was a warm, gushy sort of sensation inside rather than annoyance.

“Is the sword necessary?” Ace asked Dale as she rushed up the hallway too, her hand on the hilt of her sword.

“Depending on who or what is on the other side of that door… maybe,” she said. “Is someone actually going to open it, or are we peeping through the window like a bunch of girls?” she asked.

Taking a deep breath, Ace reached out, pulling open the door.

I didn’t know who it was.

What I did know was that he was incredibly handsome.

Darkly handsome, if that was a thing.

Tall, black hair, black eyes, incredible bone structure, wearing all black.

I wasn’t someone who, previously, really believed in “vibes.” But there was no denying that this man was practically vibrating with them.

Powerful ones.
