Page 21 of Fastball

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“She does now,” Henry says from the doorway of his office.

“Seriously!” she screams. “You can’t do that!” She looks at Henry like she expects him to save her, when he doesn’t, she looks at TJ and I see the mirrored panicked look cross his face and she knows she’s fucked.

“I just did,” Henry says. “Now leave before I get one of the guys to force you.” He motions to some of the bodybuilders that are watching from across the room. She storms out, taking TJ by the hand and dragging him behind her.

I mouth thank you to Henry as he nods and heads back into his office. But the idea of TJ and Angela together sits on the back of my mind, and it doesn’t leave until I leave and head toward Josh’s house.



“What the actual fuck is wrong with you, Anderson!” Coach yells as we walk into the locker room after another awful game. I couldn’t hit tonight, I couldn’t catch a ball tonight, I’m lucky I knew how to run because if not, I would be having a whole other conversation right now. “I mean, do you want me to bench you, because with that performance tonight, it sure as fuck seems like it.” I don’t say a word as I storm into his office and wait for him to follow. When he closes the door, he just looks at me.

“What do you want me to say?” I start, feeling the anxiety creep into every limb of my body. “Do you want me to tell you why I played like shit tonight? Because I can’t. I don’t know what happened…” I stand there and wait for him to yell something else, but he doesn’t. His eyes lock on mine as he makes his way behind his desk.

“It seems like you might be the only one that doesn’t.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

He gives me a look that says I’m a fucking moron and holds up a photo of me coming out of Hard Ball with Harper beside me.

“What does Harper have to do with this?” I’m stalling because in the pit of my stomach I know exactly what he’s going to say and honestly, I don’t want to hear it. Not right now.

“I’m starting to believe that her and her gym are becoming a distraction,” he states as I sit down in front of his desk. “I think you’re starting to realize that, I can see it all over your face, Josh.”

My head dips and my fingers pull at the loose strands of hair that fall in front of my face.

“You’re never here anymore. You used to live and breathe this stadium. Stay until everyone left and then get back here first thing to work on your game. Now you’re leaving early, getting here late and all because you’re getting some on the side.”

My fist slams onto his desk before I can stop it and when my piercing eyes meet his shocked ones, I count to three and let out a deep breath.

“You’re wrong and I won’t have you talking about her like she’s a warm place for me to rest my dick. I love that woman and from what you said to me when you met her? I thought you got that. I thought you understood that I might have found something bigger than baseball because as much as I love this game, as much as I want to win, I also want her.”

Coach says nothing, leaning back in his chair, his eyes never wavering from mine.

“You might think she’s the reason for me leaving early but in all honesty, I’m sick and tired of being the be-all and end-all of this team. We are a TEAM, and yes, I want to play my best and produce runs and all that, but what about Lopez? What about King throwing nothing but balls all fucking game? I don’t see them in here getting their asses handed to them.”

My chest hurts after that outburst and when Coach leans forward, interlocking his fingers and staring me down, I know that whatever is about to come out of his mouth isn’t something I want to hear.

“I’m benching you for tomorrow’s game. TJ has been looking really good these past few weeks and management wants to see where that goes. According to them, you need some time to regroup and figure out what your priorities are. Until then, you will be sitting on that bench and cheering your team on like the team player you so claim to be.”

I slam my fist on the table once more, hating that this team is making me choose between my livelihood and the woman I love.

“Are you serious right now? I was MVP last year and you’re just going to bench me because I’m having a few bad games? That’s ridiculous.”

“Here’s the thing. Josh. You were last year’s MVP. This year you would be lucky if you make the long list.” With that shot to the ego, he motions for me to leave his office and I do, not wanting to hear any more of his bullshit. Storming out, I avoid any and all eye contact because I know every single person in this locker room heard every word.

As I make my way back into the locker room, I roughly take my jersey and throw it in the bin sitting in the center of the room. My eyes connect with Will’s as I sit down and when he says nothing, I know I have to start this conversation.

“I can’t believe he’s benching me and subbing in TJ. This dude does not need any more ammo for his expanding ego.” When Will stays silent, I peer over and see the guilty look on his face. “Say it,” I mutter, knowing what is coming.

“Fine, but just know that I don’t agree with TJ being the one to take your place, but your game isn’t like it was last year, man, and most of us are noticing.”

I roll my eyes, hating that he’s probably right but it doesn’t mean I want to hear it.

“Coach thinks it’s because of Harper.”

Will bursts out laughing causing a small smile to grace the edge of my lips.
