Page 33 of Fastball

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“Please be okay,” I pray to no one in particular. “I need you to be okay, don’t do this to me…” I plead, hoping he somehow heard my voice.

I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting here, but when Mel comes in to check on me, my back is sore, and the tears have dried.

“You need to get up and walk around.”

I shake my head.

“I’ll stay. Go and get something to eat and maybe some coffee.”

I start to shake my head again, but she stops me.

“Nope, you’ve been in here for over three hours, you need a break. Take your phone with you, I’ll call you if anything changes, okay?”

She’s right, I need to get up and out of this room, so I pick up my phone and Josh’s phone as well that’s sitting on the table and head out into the hallway.

“You doing okay?” I hear from behind me and when I turn to see King surrounded by a few of his teammates, all eyes on me, I shrug. “Need King to give you a hug?”

I break into a small smile, feeling instant relief with his presence. As much as he drives me crazy and has no sense of personal space, he’s become an integral part of my life now. And apparently I took too long to answer, he pulls me into a hug anyway.

“Do you mind if some of you go into the room with Mel? I just need to get some air and maybe some food.”

King’s eyes soften but he nods silently. I give them all a grateful smile as I make my way toward the elevator and outside.

The second the fresh air hits my lungs, I lean against a wall and take a deep breath, closing my eyes. My anxiety has waned the last few hours, but that fear still lingers in the back of my mind. All I need right now is for him to wake up and then we take it one step at a time. Just as I’m about to head back inside to get some food, my phone rings and I pick it up, thinking it’s my phone.


“Josh?!” comes a panicked female voice on the other end, I look at the screen and realize I picked up Josh’s phone by accident, and from what the caller ID says, this is his mom.


“Mrs. Anderson?” I question, hoping my answering doesn’t cross any weird lines.

“Who is this?” she asks, her voice wary.

“Harper Stevens, ma’am.”

Her chuckle puts me at ease when it comes through the phone. “Don’t you ma’am me, you must be the woman that has stolen my son’s heart.”

I’m pretty sure my blush can be seen from across the country. “I am,” I say through ten shades of embarrassment.

“Can you tell me something, Harper?”

I tell her yes.

“How is he?”

God, where do I start and how do I get through this without crying.

“He hasn’t woken up yet, but the doctors are optimistic that he will within the next few hours.” At least that’s what Will told me.

Whenever the doctor came in, everything he said felt like I was back in college and unable to understand a word.

“Well, that’s a slight relief. How does he look?” I hear her whisper that she wishes she was there and for a split second I wish she was too.

What I wouldn’t give for someone maternal to take over and tell me everything was going to be okay. The tears start again, and I can hear her sigh on the other end of the line.
