Page 69 of Single Dads Club

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We needed a bigger bed. I had a feeling we would need a bigger house eventually. If it was up to me, there would be more kids coming. She was like a goddess with her belly rounded with our baby.

“You’re growling a lot.” Her voice was soft, like she knew where my head was and didn’t want to startle the chest-beating caveman.

I sighed. “I was thinking about how many kids you’d give us.”

Her head came off my chest. “You wantmorekids? We already have a basketball team of kids.”

“A football team of kids would be nice,” Beck added helpfully. “Or more. I don’t want to put a cap on it. Especially not when we have a woman who so willingly claims our ragtag group of kids as her own.”

“Of course I’m claiming them as my own. I love them.” Winnie sighed. “Fine. We can have more kids after this little girl is born. But only because you three have extra kid money. I’m a teacher. I barely haveonekid money.”

“Bird decided to start calling us dads today.” I smiled into Winnie’s hair and then realized she’d said girl. “It’s a girl?”

“Birdie loves the three of you. She finally has what she’s always wanted.” I could feel her smiling against my chest. “And yeah, we’re having a little girl.”

Beck let out a happy shout while Sawyer sighed dramatically. “Okay, but the girls in this family have attitude problems. They’re straight up mean. As a doctor, I’m going to research what to do while this baby is cooking to keep her nice.”

I grinned at the disgruntled sound Winnie made. “Win stole all the nice. Now the babies come out different.”

She rested her head back on my chest and sighed happily. “That was actually really sweet. About me. We can talk about how you talk about the kids later.”

Beck was on the same thought path as me, apparently. “We’ll need to build something bigger. Sunshine really has laid claim on my house, and I promised her I’d transport Freddy’s closet whole, so we’ll need to find more land. Something with a lake, maybe. Fenced off so the kids are safe, of course.”

“Do not give my mother your house.”

“Too late.”


“She let me have Bessie. It was a fair trade. We needed a bigger vehicle, and the kids love Bessie.”

Sawyer sighed. I groaned because I knew the labor I’d be putting into the old van. Winnie just threw her head back and cackled.


“She told you Bessie was a limited-edition model, didn’t she? Only two ever made with the crooked VW symbol?” Winnie kept right on laughing at Beck after he grunted out an agreement. “I love you, but you got swindled by someone named Sunshine Mooncloud.”

It took a while for Beck to join us in laughing. He was more focused on the fact that Winnie had been raised by a criminal—and was potentially raising one, as well. Sawyer pointed out that it was beneath Bird to be called something like a common criminal when she was clearly more of an evil genius. Winnie didn’t think that was as funny, probably because she knew it was true.

After we’d all settled down and were almost asleep, Winnie’s sweet voice spoke up. “Um. Guys?”

“What is it, Kitten?”

“I’m hungry.”

Beck grunted. “Should we send your mother out to swindle you up some snacks?”

“You know she curses people, right?” Sawyer shuddered so hard I felt it through the bed.

“Oh my goodness. She does not!”

“Well, she swindles people.”

I shook my head and pushed Beck out of the way so I could get up with Winnie. “We’ll be in the kitchen, idiots.”

Winnie wrapped her limbs around me and pressed her lips to my neck. “She really doesn’t curse people, Jack. I promise. She did go through a phase of screaming at women named Barbara, but I don’t know what that was about.”

I put her down on the island and stood between her thighs. She was still naked, and the view was everything I’d ever wanted. In an instant, I forgot about her mom and Barbara and curses completely. “What are you hungry for, baby?”

She glanced down at my dick and then back up at my face with a sly smile. “I thought I wanted ice cream.”

“And now?” I leaned into her, ready for another round.

She smiled sweetly. “I still want the ice cream.”

The sound of Beck and Sawyer laughing came from the doorway, and I shook my head at Winnie. “You’re not too pregnant to get bent over and spanked.”

Her eyes sparkled. “Okay, but after the ice cream, okay? I’m taking better care of myself these days. Doctor’s orders.”
