Page 103 of Until You Can't

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“Your uncle doesn’t mind flying us all back to the States on his jet?” Samantha asked.

“He insisted.” Another weird turn of events throughout all of this was Maurizio, and the fact he wanted to be part of our lives. “The second we’re cleared to go, I’m ready, believe me.”

“Copy that.” Owen tipped his head to the door, and Samantha joined him. “We’ll give you some privacy. Maybe get some rest, too.”

His smirk had me smiling as I waved goodbye. Once the door was shut, I reached for Natalia’s hand.

“How are you?”

“Same as I was when you asked me last time,” I joked.

The truth? I was feeling a hell of a lot better now that my brother was gone. I’d needed some breathing room, and I couldn’t seem to get a decent breath while he’d been there.

Yeah, forgiveness would take some time.

“Anthony fumbled his way through an apology on his way out of here,” she shared, which was news to me.

“No groveling on his knees, right?” My attention cut straight to the monitors, hoping the damn thing didn’t give away the rise in my heartbeat at that idea.

When I returned my attention her way, her brow was raised, and she had an amused expression on her face. “Really?”

“What?” I tried to shrug, but the movement hurt and I winced instead. Part of a barn had fallen on top of me not even thirty-something hours ago. I had an excuse, I supposed.

“I need time to forgive him for this,” she said while scanning me from head to toe in the bed. “And so we’re clear, the only one who will ever be on his knees before me . . . will be you.”

“Damn right,” I said without hesitation. “And I’m anxious to do it again.”

“Mmm. You heard the doctor.”

“No clue what you’re talking about.” I shot her a cocky grin.

“Anyways, we both have to find a way to forgive him so all of this is behind us. I’m not saying we invite him to the wedding, but—”

“Who’s getting married?” I teased, unable to stop myself, and she rolled her eyes.

“Seeing as how you got down on one knee for me already, I’m hoping you’ll do it again for real down the road,” she responded in a soft tone.

I tugged her hand, drawing her closer to the bed. Our eyes met, and I smiled. “The guys were wrong.”


I reached for her chin with my free hand. “That I’ll wait two weeks to be with you,” I said before setting my mouth to hers.




“How’d you know I needed nine K to square up my overdue bills?” I glared at Enzo as I rounded my desk and smashed a check against his chest.

Enzo plucked it from my hand and set it back on my desk. “I may have gone through your mail while you were still in Monaco. Did a little math.”

“Opening someone’s mail is a federal offense.”

“Yeah, least of my offenses, don’t you think?” He winked. “Take the money, Nat.”

“I wouldn’t take it from Ryan. And I won’t take it from you.” I circled my desk and dropped down into my chair.
