Page 106 of Until You Can't

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“Anyways, I’m here for another reason. A few reasons actually.”

When he went over to the door and locked it, my shoulders fell. I knew I was going to have a hell of a time saying no to this man. “Ryan. We can’t.” My protest sounded weak even to my own ears. Because in truth, my panties were soaked just from that soft kiss.

He faced me while removing something from his pocket.

“Is that my Daily Planet badge from the Halloween costume?” I chuckled. “Why do you have that?”

His gaze fell to my pencil skirt as if that were supposed to be an answer, but then he shared, “I saw you get into your Jeep for work in that. And this,” he said while dangling it in the air, “somehow got mixed up in my things after our trip to Italy. I stumbled upon it today, and since you’re wearing that Lois Lane skirt, I thought it was fate.”

“Fate, huh?” I closed one eye, giving him my best fake angry look.

“The next time we’re together, I want to make love. That was the plan back at my uncle’s place, and that’s still my plan now.” He approached me and slipped the lanyard around my neck. “So no, I’m not going to bend you over your desk and have sex with you like I’ve been wanting to since that night I saw you dressed up at the hotel.”

“No?” I surrendered my arms up over his shoulders, and he drew me closer.

“But I would love to leave here today with the mental image of you bent over your desk with that skirt at your ankles, your ass cheeks spread, and your pussy puckered, pink and ready for me. That’d make me feel a lot better.” He lifted a hand between us and held his heart. “It’d probably speed up my recovery time.”

The man missed his calling as an erotic writer. He always had me hot and bothered when he described the things he wanted to do to me, especially during our text exchanges the last week or so while I’d been at work.

I’d about dropped my phone when one of his dirty but sexy messages came in while a customer had been trying to talk to me at the bar. He’d had a lot of time on his hands lately, and he’d been torturing me with all of his fantasies and promises of what was to come.

“If I bend over for you, your control will snap.” I shook my head. “No deal.”

Ryan shot me a fake angry look right back, but his was much more comical than mine. And are you pouting? “Please?”

“Mm. No. I’m trying to protect you.”

“And you have no sympathy for the pain in my dick, huh?”

I leaned forward and lightly sucked his bottom lip. “Oh,” I began, “I have a lot of empathy, because my pussy is sore and aching for you. Every part of me hurts to be with you, in fact.”

Ryan groaned against my mouth and let go of a frustrated sigh as he set his forehead to mine.

“So, you said there was another reason you came here, not just to torture us both?” I prompted, needing to dial down my body temperature before I gave in to desire.

“There is.” He stepped back ever so slightly, and I lowered my arms from his shoulders. “But damn do you love to give me a hard time. I’m thinking that’ll never change,” he teased.

“Like you’d want it to?” I challenged, knowing him all too well. I slipped my hand between us to race my fingers over the fabric of his crotch.

He snatched my wrist and cocked his head. “Playing with fire,” he warned.

“Going to tell me to get down on my knees?” I went on, fully aware I was provoking the hot, sexy beast inside him to come out to play. It was the exact opposite of what I should have been doing, but oh, how I loved that bit of wild inside him.

He rolled his tongue along the seam of his lips while studying me. “You really want me to fuck you, don’t you?” With his free hand, he dragged his knuckles over my cheek, and I nearly bent to his will. “Not go slow. No Hallmark lovemaking?” His voice had dropped a few levels. Our control was hanging by a thin thread.

“You and I will never have the kind of sex Hallmark would allow on TV,” I said while drawing my mouth closer to his. I brushed my lips over his jawline before gently biting his earlobe.

“My heart’s racing, Talia. If you don’t want it to beat a hell of a lot faster, and you truly want to behave, I can’t be alone with you right now. Because I am dangerously close to taking you on your desk, so hard your customers will hear you cry out my name over the music playing out there.”

If I wasn’t already soaked . . .

I slowly shifted to face him and set my hand over his heart. Damnit, he was right. It was beating hard, fast, and nearly erratic.

“I’m two seconds from losing control. We can save the lovemaking for next time.” His eyes darkened as he studied me. “Say the word, Talia.”

I swallowed, tempted to say yes, but I was too worried about his injuries and recent heart attack. That fear was impossible to ignore. “One more week,” I whispered, defeat in my tone. Defeated by logic when every part of me wanted to be reckless. Not when it comes to your life, though. “We have to at least survive one more week.”

He released a deep lungful of air, then linked our hands. “Then we need to leave this room, and I need to get the blood to move back to my brain before we go have dinner with our special guests. The other reason I’m here.”
