Page 32 of Until You Can't

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I swiveled on my chair to see Ryan stride in, his white dress shirt, with a few buttons undone, partially tucked into his khakis in a messy but sexy way. He’d swapped his Apple watch for a fancier one, and his hair was gelled and artfully styled.

“See. Hot as—”

“I get it.” I stood and turned my back to her, effectively cutting her off.

Ryan started talking to our hostess, and she laughed at something he’d said. He was still smiling when his attention abruptly moved my way as if he could sense me, and our gazes collided.

Maybe I’d had too much wine in too short a period, but I’d swear the restaurant fell silent with his eyes on me. The Italian music playing softly over the speakers was the only noise in my ears.

I swallowed, my hand going to my abdomen over my blue blouse. I wished I was at least back in my sundress from earlier instead of wearing boring black slacks and a stiff shirt. Standing next to Calista in her dress had me feeling all kinds of frumpy.

Ryan excused himself from the hostess and started our way, his eyes never leaving mine, even with Calista at my side.

“This place is incredible,” Ryan said when he stopped before us.

He took a moment to survey the setting of my quaint restaurant. The exposed brick walls, the wood beams overhead for the ceiling, and even the arched entryways at every hall were designed to give that distinct Tuscan feeling.

The wall behind the bar was stocked with wine from floor to ceiling, and there was a rolling ladder to retrieve the top-shelf bottles as well. The price tag for that wine wall alone would take me forever to pay off.

“You did a great job,” he added, looking back at me, and I’d swear that was pride in his eyes.

“Thank you.” Why’d I feel so warm everywhere all of a sudden?

Ryan lowered his gaze to my shirt and said, “Rabbit Beach blue.” His lips twitched into a smile, one I couldn’t help but reciprocate. “I’m a few minutes early.”

“I love a man who’s early,” Calista spoke up. “Hi, I’m Calista.”

Ryan stared at me for a few beats longer before turning his attention to Calista to offer his hand. “Ryan.”

“Um.” I swallowed. “I need a second.” I reached for his shirt and tugged, accidentally freeing it from his pants. And that had to be the wine’s doing.

He looked down to see my hand clutching the fabric and slowly worked his gaze back to my face. I didn’t miss the amused expression there. “I guess we’ll be right back,” he said to Calista, and when I let go of him, he followed me down the hall and to my office.

I quickly shut the door once we were alone and tore my hands through my hair as I began walking around the small space.

“You okay? You’re pacing.” He blocked my path and held onto my arms.

“I’ve been drinking. I’m a little off,” I admitted with his strong hands gently holding me in place.

“Good thing you’re not driving, eh?”

“Right.” I worried my lip between my teeth. “I just wanted to let you know I didn’t have a chance to tell her about your, um, needs.”

He lifted a brow and let go of me. “My needs?”

“Fake dating, I mean.”

“Ah.” He palmed his cheek, and I couldn’t help but wonder if the salt-and-pepper-colored stubble on his strong jawline felt rough on his skin, like sandpaper. “I can ask her if you think she won’t smack me when I offer her money in exchange for dating me?”

“Calista doesn’t need the money. She’s a successful model.”

Ryan frowned. “Then why would she do it?”

I backed up a few steps, finding the wall there. Good, I needed the support. My balance was off. “Because you’re you.”

His slight scowl remained as he replied, “I don’t know what that means.”

“But also, she . . .”
