Page 4 of Until You Can't

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But now it was my turn to catalog what she was wearing. And that turned out to be a horrible idea. Her Converse and skinny jeans weren’t a problem. It was the white T-shirt without a bra beneath that was the issue. Clearly, God was testing me.

Not only could I make out her full, round tits, but her nipples strained against the fabric.

“Tell me you didn’t come here in that,” I rasped, uncrossing my arms.

“Wait, what?”

I felt her eyes snap to my face, so I did some sort of Jedi mind trick to convince myself to look up.

“What are you doing here?” she asked instead of answering me. “And why are you naked?”

I frowned and jerked a thumb over my shoulder, taking one step closer to her. “Spent my whole life doing the shower thing wrong, eh?” I asked, realizing the Canadian in me had taken over.

Mom may have been second-generation Irish, but she was born and raised in Toronto, and I’d spent a good chunk of my childhood living there as well. That was also where Anthony’s love for ice hockey developed.

“Right. I shower naked, too,” she murmured.

Thank you for that. My cock didn’t seem to understand she was my brother’s soon-to-be fiancée. My body only knew it’d been deprived of sex for far too long.

“Anthony’s not coming, is he?”

“Finally dawned on ya, huh?” I pointed to the room behind her. “Maybe I should get dressed. My brother and I might be nothing alike, but I’m sure he’d feel the same as me in not wanting my girl braless in front of a naked guy.”

“I doubt Anthony would give a shit, to be honest,” she responded once we were in the bedroom.

Annnd there’s the girl I remember. The blush was absent from her cheeks now.

“He’s not the possessive type. I mean, maybe he’d care if it was anyone but you. But you’re . . . you.” She circled her finger in the air like it was a wand.

“I’m me. You’re right about that,” I acknowledged, the gruffness in my voice evident as I worked to restrain my dick from standing at attention. “And since you’re my brother’s girlfriend, I’d like to say on his behalf, you shouldn’t walk around without a bra in a white tee.”

Her attention skated down to her chest as if only now remembering I’d pointed that out. “Oh shit, I had a hoodie on over this,” she began while finally giving me her back, “and when I heard the shower running, I tossed it with plans to join you . . . I mean, um, Anthony.”

My brother’s girl, I shoveled the reminder down my throat. What in the hell was wrong with me? Concussion. Right. Legitimate excuse? I hoped so.

“I can’t tell Anthony about this. He’ll want to know who is bigger. I know him. That’ll be the first thing out of his mouth,” she rambled while putting on her Carolina hoodie. She freed her long, dark hair from the inside of the sweatshirt, then folded her arms over her chest while facing me again.

“You won’t be able to lie, huh?” I winked.

“Real funny.”

“That wasn’t a joke.” I quickly erased the smirk that snuck up on me with the back of my hand. “Anthony’s first instinct should be to throat punch me, brother or not. I’d lose my shit if you were my woman and . . .” Where am I going with this? Nowhere good.

I went for my bag, unzipped it, and searched for something to put on. “What’s the costume his fans picked out?”


She had to be kidding, but when I looked up, she was in the doorway of his closet with the costume dangling from her hand. “Let me guess, you’re going as Mary Jane, Spiderman’s girlfriend?”

Natalia’s lips, which in my opinion, were better than my teenage crush, Angelina Jolie’s, twitched into a gorgeous smile. “The fact you know that’s his girlfriend’s name is kind of cute.”

“I’ve never been described as cute.” I straightened, only my boxers in my hand. “But I was a nerd in high school. Not that you’d remember. You’re a lot younger than me.”

“Only by seven years.” Her breathy tone had the hairs on my arms standing. “And I remember,” she quickly added before heading back into the closet. “But if he’s standing me up tonight,” she called out when I lost sight of her, “I think it’s only fair you get to wear whatever you want. Screw it, right?”

She returned having swapped the Spiderman costume for a suit, and her attention landed on the briefs I held.

“Talia, I . . .” No idea where I was going with that.
