Page 42 of Until You Can't

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“Maria told us the truth about your brother.” Mrs. Romano raised a fist and shook it. “I’d love to smack him in the back of the head for throwing you under the bus like he did.”

Wait, what? I stepped around the Romanos to get a better look at Maria, and she only shrugged. Why’d she tell them that? Now my mom would find out, and I’d have to share the disappointing news that her perfect son was far from perfect.

“We owe you an apology for how rude we’ve been since the breakup.” Mr. Romano slung an arm around my shoulder, and I had to take a second to remember to breathe. Both Natalia’s parents had Italian accents, and whenever Mr. Romano spoke to me, it was almost like I could hear my dad talking. “Seeing as you retired from the Navy this past summer, and Natalia’s restaurant just had its birthday, I say we have a joint celebration.”

“Oh, that’d be a great idea. We should have your mom over, too,” Mrs. Romano went on, taking hold of my other arm to loop it with hers. I spied Chiara laughing from the corner of my eye as if the Romano sandwich I found myself in was hilarious. “Natalia has a thing on Sunday. But her place is closed Monday, so let’s do it then.”

“Ma’am, I appreciate that, but really, you don’t need to go to all that trouble for—”

“You’re going to turn down my cooking?” She looked up at me. “Really?”

Shit. I guess not. “Monday it is. Just let me know what I can bring.” Once she released my arm, I took the coffee from her. “Is Natalia awake?” It was zero nine hundred, so I wasn’t sure if she was still sleeping off her hangover.

Mr. Romano dropped his arm from my shoulder and grabbed his car keys from the table by the front door. “Still in bed, I think. But it’s nine. Feel free to wake her up.”

“We’re taking Maria to pick up her car at the restaurant. Looks like the girls had too much wine last night, but I suppose you already know that.” Mrs. Romano winked as if I was in on some scandalous secret. “Is that coffee and food for her?” She eyed the brown bag in my hand.

“Yeah, I thought she might need it.” I shrugged.

“Such a sweet boy. Our hometown hero.” She tipped her head to the door, motioning for Maria to go. “We’re all so happy to have you back.”

I didn’t know what to say, and frankly, I wasn’t sure if I was home for good. But I nodded my thanks anyway.

“Go on up. I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you.” Maria smirked.

And what was that all about? I waited for everyone to leave, surprised Natalia hadn’t come down yet with all the commotion.

I looked at the stairs, covered in the same burgundy-red carpet as the rest of the downstairs, hesitant to go up.

Technically speaking, Natalia and I “slept together” last night. I’d woken up around zero five hundred, realizing the call was still connected when I heard soft, sexy little sounds coming from her over the line. Either she was in pain during a dream . . . or mid-climax. I ended the call pretty quickly after that.

But those little moans had done a number on me, and I’d been unable to fall back asleep. In an attempt to distract myself, I’d called Noah and checked on my brother.

In my opinion, he and his buddy from Scott & Scott needed to pack up and go home. So far, the only danger had come from Anthony having one too many cocktails and falling into the pool. His bodyguards had fished him out, leaving him on a lounge chair to sober up.

Noah said he’d give it a few more days, and if nothing changed, he’d go back to his wife and children. But he insisted he’d fly out as backup once I was ready to pay off the debt.

After that call, I’d decided to take a long run to destress since I was still worked up.

With more time to kill, I’d showered and made Mom breakfast. We watched a show together while we ate, one that had nothing to do with doctors or SEALs, thank God. I still couldn’t tell you what it was about. Apparently, I was fidgety enough for Mom to kick me out of the house so she could watch her shows in peace.

Unsure what to do with myself, I drove aimlessly for a bit until I wound up at a local cafe, and grabbed breakfast for Natalia, assuming she’d need food and coffee to manage a hangover.

Now I’m here and about to wake up Sleeping Beauty? Really?

I took my time climbing her stairs, feeling the same adrenaline rush I had back in the day when heading into a stairwell on an op. The same uncertainty about who or what might be waiting for me on the other side.

This woman.

God help me, this woman.

She had my head spinning every which way when we were alone. I couldn’t discern my left from my right around her. I only knew I had to keep my hands off her.

“Natalia?” I called out once upstairs, and I realized I’d never actually been in her room before. Why would I have been? She was a kid when I was a teenager.

I poked my head in the first room, even though it didn’t face my house so it couldn’t have been her bedroom. An army of toys were scattered all over the floor. A pack and play by the bed. Maria’s.

I bypassed the second room, assuming it was her parent’s bedroom and headed for the final room—the only bedroom with a view of my mom’s house.
