Page 44 of Until You Can't

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“Kind of hard to forget,” she deadpanned, and I couldn’t be frustrated with her when she had me smiling despite my best efforts not to.

“Relax, sailor.” She fisted my gray tee, commanding my attention.

My jaw tightened on reflex. “That’s not much better,” I remarked at the sight of her in a short cream-colored silk robe. Did she know how fast I could untie the knot at her waist? Reach between her thighs and confirm if she was as wet as I was hard?

“Why are you actually here?” She let go of my shirt and ran her hands over the material, smoothing out the wrinkles, and took her sweet time on my abs.

I dropped my focus to her hand. My jaw, and my fists at my sides, would remain clenched as long as she had her palm near the top button of my jeans.

She lifted her gaze to meet mine, those gorgeous greens doing a number on my sanity. I’d always told myself I was a stand-up guy, and I’d learned how to treat women from my father.

And yet, it was taking every ounce of restraint not to lift her and toss her onto her childhood bed. I’d ask for permission and then . . . I’d fuck her senseless with both my mouth and cock.

But damn did I feel like an asshole for allowing those thoughts to settle so vividly in my mind. And my father would be forever disappointed in me if I were to make a move on my brother’s ex.

“I think you de-wrinkled my shirt enough now,” I murmured, praying to God she’d back away before her robe fell to a puddle at her feet. I’d go down to my knees along with it to worship her. Peel her barely there panties to the side and stroke that beautiful cunt with my tongue and fingers while she screamed my name. Not Anthony’s.

And damn my brother all to hell for getting in my head right now.

“Ryan, you okay?” she asked, finally letting go of my shirt.

I followed her eyes, which were focused a little too intensely on my crotch.

I cleared my throat, willing my dick to go down and her gaze to come back up. “I brought you a bagel and coffee. Advil in my pocket. Thought you might be hungover.”

“Oh.” She smiled and didn’t waste time getting to the food and coffee. I took advantage of her turning and adjusted my jeans.

“How’d you know I love everything bagels?”

She pivoted back around, eyeing the two halves smothered in cream cheese, and moaned as she sank her teeth into one piece.

I’d prefer to make you moan in another way, but . . . “Truth? I was trained to remember everything. I can walk into any room and memorize pretty much anything inside it. It’s a skill we had to learn on the Teams. Our snipers are even better at it.”

“And that explains how you know I like everything bagels? Really?”

“I may have observed you eating them on more than one occasion over the years.”

“Ah, okay. And here I thought you just secretly had a soft spot for me.” She took another bite, chewed, then swallowed. “Kidding. I know you don’t hate me, but let’s not go so far as to pretend you like me. Not that much, anyway.”

“Right.” My focus went from her long legs down to her nude-colored toenail polish. Bad idea. Images of her legs hooked over my shoulders while I buried myself deep inside her played out in my brain. I am so fucked.

“And your strong sense of smell, is that credited to your time as a Teamguy, too?”

“Mm. Maybe. But if you think I have a great sniffer, you should meet my buddy, Owen. You can blindfold him, and he can pretty much name every smell on God’s green earth if he’s ever encountered it even once before.”

She set the bagel half on the wrapper. “Maybe I’ll meet some of your SEAL friends someday.” She twined the silk of her belt robe around her finger. “I’m assuming you’re not here to talk about your past, though. Here to ask me for permission about Calista again?”

Calista? Damn. I’d forgotten about her.

“My answer is the same as last night. Date her. I don’t have a problem with it.”

“I actually forgot about that.” Standing there with Natalia, all I could think about was her.

I’d happily give up breathing the same air as other women if Natalia was mine. Yup, fucked.

“I came over because I want to get to know you. For real. Not just the memory recall shit. You said last night we don’t know each other, and if we’re going to put the past behind us, let’s try and be friends.”

Natalia’s back went to the dresser, and she folded her arms. “Friends, huh?”
