Page 70 of Until You Can't

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Natalia: Of course.

I was in this mess because of my brother, and now so was Natalia. And I wasn’t so sure if he even deserved saving anymore.

He needs you, I could practically hear my father tell me, and my shoulders fell.

And I need you, Pops. I closed my eyes and gripped the wheel with my free hand, fighting the surge of emotions tearing through me. I need you, too.

* * *

“Can we take a ride?” I motioned to my truck. “We need to talk.”

Enzo stepped forward before Natalia could respond. “What happened with that car?”

I lifted my eyes to the pitch-black sky and dragged a hand through my hair. “It’s complicated.”

“I highly doubt that,” Enzo snapped. “Tell me.”

When I lowered my face, he was standing in front of me, his jaw locked tight. He didn’t trust me, and maybe he was right. Maybe I was the dangerous one? Because I was putting Natalia in the middle of my family drama, and all Enzo was trying to do was keep her safe.

I covered my mouth, trying to figure out what to say, because I knew he wouldn’t back down. He wouldn’t walk away if he believed there was a threat to Natalia’s safety. I pivoted my focus to where Natalia stood alongside Maria, both of them staring at us as if unsure what to think, say, or do.

Me, too. “Anthony’s in trouble,” I finally revealed. “He has a gambling problem, and he owes a lot of money. I have to pay off his debt.” I set a hand to my chest, shocked I was sharing the truth with this man. Despite Enzo’s questionable history, I believed I could trust him. Maybe it was his intense devotion to keeping the woman I cared about safe? “My uncle has the kind of cash I need, and that car had two of his men in it. They were checking up on me.”

Enzo’s forehead tightened as he processed the news, then he took a step back, giving me some breathing room.

“I was never supposed to know they were spying on me, which was why they took off,” I went on, my gaze moving back to Natalia. She’d understand what that meant.

“I’m guessing your uncle won’t just write you a check?” Enzo pocketed his hands, frustration in his tone. Angry at Anthony? For sure. But probably at me, too.

“It’s an inheritance thing. I can only access the money if married. But I made him a deal to try and get a portion now. I just have to prove I’m in a serious relationship.” And propose.

“That’s why you were going to date Calista?” Maria asked, putting the pieces together, and I nodded.

Enzo turned to look at Maria for a moment before focusing back on me.

“But my uncle’s men think I’m dating—”

“Natalia,” Enzo cut me off. He eliminated the distance again, setting a hand on my chest.

“Enzo, please.” Natalia rushed to him and grabbed his arm, but he didn’t budge.

I slowly lowered my attention to Enzo’s hand, doing my best to remain in control, to not lose my shit. If I were in his shoes, I’d react the same.

Enzo looked at me square in the eyes and said, “You’re not involving her in your brother’s bullshit mess. I don’t care. Not happening.”

“That was never my intention.” I let go of an uncomfortable breath, resisting the urge to physically remove his hand from my chest. That act might lead to a fight, and it definitely wouldn’t help anything or anyone right now. “I’ll find another way to get the money.”

“No.” Natalia let go of Enzo, demanding my attention. “I’m helping.”

Enzo’s hand fell as he faced her. “Why in God’s name would you do anything to help the man who broke your heart?”

Natalia looked to me, then back at Enzo. “Because he didn’t break my heart,” she shared, her tone soft. “He couldn’t. Because he never had my heart. I should never have dated him either time.” She shook her head, and Maria was by her a second later. “And then Mom and Anthony begged me to say yes after I said no, and—”

“You said no?” That was the first time I’d heard that.

“I didn’t want to marry him. But Mom and Anthony ganged up on me in private, and all but forced me into a corner. They made me feel like I had no choice but to say yes. They said I couldn’t embarrass him in front of all the guests. And I just . . . I gave in for the time being, to keep the peace, make everyone happy, but I never wanted to marry him. And I know I wouldn’t have gone through with it. I kept putting off the wedding discussion. Refused to set a date, look at dresses.” She swiped at her cheek, searching for the tears there. “I’ve hated myself for ever letting them talk me into it. I was a coward. Because he’s not who I . . .”

“This doesn’t change anything,” Enzo said before I had a chance to digest her words. “I won’t have her doing this. Not for him.”
