Page 74 of Until You Can't

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I mentally did the math. Twenty-four then. Thirty-six now. “That’s a big gap.” I wanted to know more about the “dark path,” but instead of pressing, I dropped down in the chair she’d previously sat in, trying to process what little I did know.

“His story is a bit more complicated than that, obviously, but he’s not a bad guy.”

“And your dad knows all of this? Asked the Costas to watch over you when you were in New York?”

Her innocent lift of the shoulder had me back on my feet. “Enzo’s father saved my mother’s life back when my parents were dating, and that’s how they became friends. In Dad’s mind, who better to look out for me in New York?”

“Right,” I muttered.

“Batman without the scary suit and gadgets.” She forced a small smile, one meant to calm me, but I wasn’t there yet. My heart was still thwack-thwack-thwacking against my rib cage.

“I bet Enzo had an Alfred, though.” Where had that come from? I wanted to smack the comic-book-loving kid inside me for that comment. Because no, I wouldn’t admire a vigilante, if that was even what he’d been.

“I knew you’d understand.”

“Hardly,” I scoffed. I truly had no clue how I felt about any of it. But I also knew I’d never be able to change Natalia’s mind when it came to having Enzo in her life, regardless of my opinion.

“He’s a good man that got lost.”

“Tragedy has a way of doing that,” I whispered, understanding that all too well. “But going all Gerard Butler from Law Abiding Citizen on the world because of it . . . I don’t know.”

Natalia reached for my arm and squeezed. “And if someone took my life?”

The blood drained from my face as I responded without a second thought, “I’d burn the fucking world down a million times over until I found a way to do the impossible. To bring you back to life.”



“Then what happened? Don’t stop there, it’s just getting good,” Maria begged as I helped zip up her gold Belle dress from Beauty and the Beast. She looked absolutely stunning in the gown, her dark wavy hair clipped and hanging over her shoulder. Her eyes met mine in the full-length mirror of our hotel room and I knew she wasn’t going to let this go, but I wasn’t sure just how much to tell her, and how much to keep for myself for now.

I thought back to the morning in Ryan’s kitchen when his mom caught us making out on her counter. “Well,” I began, heading to the bed to put on my vest, “after laying it all out there, no more lies, Ryan snatched my hand and we walked back into the kitchen to face his mom. He told her, We’re together. And you’ll need to find a way to get over it.”

“Bold.” Maria faced me and smiled as I buttoned up the vest. “But are you together-together? Or is this part of the charade for the money?”

“I think we’re together.” My tongue pinned to the roof of my mouth as I remembered his kiss, and what he’d said to me in the kitchen before that kiss.

“So, did his mom say anything to you two?”

“I don’t think he planned to give her a chance for a rebuttal anyway, but his dad’s old friend, who Ryan ordered the parts for my Jeep from, happened to show up before she had a chance to say anything. He was a day earlier than expected, and Ryan took full advantage of it. He spent the next few hours busy with my Jeep.”

“Oh good, so you have a working vehicle again. That’s something.” She bunched her skirt, lifting it so she could walk without tripping. “Still confused why you sold your Rubicon in the first place, though.”

“It was just time.” I grabbed the fake Daily Planet ID badge and fidgeted with the lanyard. “Anyways, have you talked to Thomas? He’s not going to show up here tonight, is he?”

“He texted me he’ll be home in time for Halloween so he doesn’t miss Chiara’s first time trick-or-treating. Not that she can eat the candy.” She frowned. “We haven’t spoken on the phone yet. He’s clueless I’m aware he’s a cheat. But I’d love one worry-free night before I face reality.” She twirled while holding the skirt. “Play pretend.”

“You deserve that, but I’m here for you if you need me. Always. You’ll get through this.”

She waved her free hand by her face, and I knew she was trying not to cry. “I spent too much time on this eyeliner,” she said with a choked voice. “So, um, Calista’s still coming tonight, right?” she deflected. “Even though Ryan’s not her date?”

“Yeah. I talked to her earlier while Ryan was working on the Jeep and explained Ryan no longer needed to fake date her.”

“Did she care?”

“I don’t think so. I didn’t tell her I was taking her place, though.” Maria didn’t try to stifle her snicker at that information. “She’s interested in someone else anyway. No idea who. But my guess is he’ll be here tonight since she wanted to use Ryan to make him jealous.”

Maria lifted her eyes to the ceiling, letting go of an exasperated sigh. “Of course that was her motive,” she tossed out as someone knocked at the door.
