Page 79 of Until You Can't

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“One last stop.” The woman opened a door off to our left, and motioned for us to head inside.

Natalia and I were still adjusting to the six-hour time difference. We’d managed to take a nap on the flight over last night, so we weren’t completely worthless once we got there. We’d yet to see my uncle, though, and I’d nearly turned down the tour.

Now I was glad I didn’t. It wasn’t like we had all the time in the world anymore. The least I could do for Natalia was give her a day to remember.

Watching her eyes light up when we’d taken in the sights, listening to her describe the details . . . I’d nearly forgotten why we were even there. She was in love with the place, and I could see why.

From the rolling hills dotted with 400-year-old cypress trees, to the ruins and churches that inspired Leonardo da Vinci himself, Natalia had said she felt like she was inside a fairy tale.

“I thought we could pick out a bottle for dinner tonight,” I listened to our guide say after I’d pulled myself back to the present.

Natalia ran her fingers along the casks of red wine inside the room. I wasn’t a wine aficionado, but I was pretty sure the barrel-shaped containers were called “casks.” Maybe I could spruce up my vocabulary while I was here.

The woman offered Natalia a bottle, and while Natalia was fully focused on the wine, my gaze was riveted on her. Seeing her so relaxed and at ease was a beautiful sight.

At my insistence, she’d done a little shopping when we were in town. I loved the way she looked completely in her element in one of the purchases I’d made for her. The red linen pants paired with a sheer white blouse over a cream-colored camisole accentuated her classic beauty. It was classy but also carefree, perfectly Natalia. I’d been unable to resist buying her a dress for tonight as well, especially when she’d brushed her fingers over it on the hanger in the shop and murmured, “Mm. Rabbit Beach blue.”

Natalia had also pressed me to get some clothes, and I’d reluctantly let her pick out a few things. I guess fair was fair.

“How’d I never know this was your family’s brand of wine?”

I forced my attention from her to the bottle.

“I carry it at the restaurant. This is top-shelf stuff for us.” As Natalia handed it back to the woman, I eyed the label noting the sketch of a vineyard beneath one large burgundy-colored R.

“I honestly had no clue what labels of wine they produced, just that they had a winery,” I admitted.

“This is one of our bestsellers,” the woman told us. She was an American living in Italy, but of course, of Italian ancestry. I hardly doubted my uncle would’ve recruited her to work for him otherwise, given my family’s history of wanting everyone and everything to be “authentic” Italian. “Obviously made from Sangiovese grapes. It’s medium-body. Acidic. Tart. But cherry and earthy.” She smiled. “Let’s open it at dinner tonight, yes?” I nodded, and she grabbed a second bottle of the stuff, then motioned for us to head out.

“Perhaps it’s time I show you to your room? You can shower and clean up. Dinner is at eight in the courtyard.”

How late was it? I checked my watch and realized I’d lost track of time. Damn the time change.

I raked my hands through my hair, my stomach in knots over the thought of being alone in a room with Natalia. I was dying to kiss her again.

But I needed to remove the obstacle I felt was still in our way before we took things further. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that we’d been interrupted at the hotel. At least, that was what I needed to convince myself of so I didn’t ravage her later in the bedroom.

“You okay?” Natalia reached for my arm, and I stupidly flinched at her touch.

Damn, I was wound up.

“Shit, sorry,” I mouthed when she pulled her hand back in alarm. “Good to go.” I didn’t like the shock and hurt on her face. Or the fact I’d put it there. Fuck. This was going to kill me.

“Right. Well then. Let’s head to the main house, shall we,” our tour guide offered. I just nodded in acknowledgement rather than actually thanking her like I should have since I’d forgotten her damn name. I’d been so enamored with Natalia and watching her soak in the sights all day, my memory recall and attention to detail had dramatically failed me.

I forced myself to get a move on, setting my hand on Natalia’s back, figuring that was a “boyfriend” thing to do. And since we had eyes on us, why not?

After taking the golf cart back to the main house, we were invited in through two huge double doors and stood in the large foyer, taking it all in.

“Your belongings are already in your room,” our guide informed us. “You’ll find your room on the second floor.” She pointed to the double staircase as if we didn’t know which way was up. “Third door on your right.”

A small smile played across Natalia’s lips, and damn was I in trouble once we were alone.

I nodded my thanks to the woman, and she went down another hallway, leaving us alone.

“Your dad,” Natalia whispered, her eyes set on a room open to the foyer. I followed her into a library to see what had caught her attention.

A family portrait hung on the main wall over a small desk that looked like it belonged in another time period. Most likely, it was just for show. As was a lot of what we saw today, and I imagined a good portion of the antiques the house contained.
