Page 83 of Until You Can't

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I backed up from Ryan, bumping into the table, as I tried to comprehend how fast everything was moving yet again.

My shawl fell to the ground, and I nervously shook my hands out at my sides as I waited for Ryan to face me, unsure what he planned to do in light of this new information.

He had every right to be angry and hate Anthony for using me to try and get the money then, and for now placing Ryan in the same exact spot to use me for money yet again.

I also knew Ryan wouldn’t take the risk and assume Anthony was lying. He was still his brother, and if there was even a small chance Anthony needed help, he’d do it.

He couldn’t spend the rest of his life living with regrets the way Maurizio had, and I wouldn’t let him.

I reached for Ryan’s hand and lightly tugged. “Is there something you want to ask me?” I whispered, reminding him of what he needed to do, and letting him know I was on board.

Maurizio was right, though. There was nothing fake about us. Anthony had been the only piece of fiction in my life. Nothing about him or our relationship had been real. And I only hated that I allowed myself to be in that position in the first place.

But I was human, and I’d have to forgive myself. And I wouldn’t let that guilt stop me from being with the man I should have been with in the first place.

Ryan turned slowly, and I released his hand as he shifted around. He peered at his uncle for a brief moment, his jaw clenched, before focusing on me.

His gaze thinned as he slid his hands into his pants pocket, probably searching for the makeshift ring I’d created from my hoop earrings.

Drawing in a deep, ragged breath, he reached for my hand and interlaced our fingers. When he slowly lowered to one knee, I watched his anger for his brother take a backseat to the hero he’d always been, and I knew he’d always be.

Holding the ring in his other hand, he lifted it up and our eyes met. His breathing picked up as he quietly studied me, and I brought a hand to my chest, my heart beating wildly despite knowing this was all for show.

The second he closed his eyes and shook his head, I realized a proposal wasn’t coming.

“I’m sorry. I won’t do what he did to you. I can’t,” he gritted out, his lids parting. “I’ll find another way to save him, if he even really needs it. Even though he doesn’t deserve it.”

“Stand up, son,” Maurizio said in a surprisingly even-toned voice. I kept my hand locked with Ryan’s as he stood and slipped the earring-ring back into his pocket. “I should have known you didn’t want the money. You’re like your father in every way.” He sighed. “How much does your brother need and why?”

Ryan released my hand and smoothed his palm over his jawline. “Loan sharks. Pay-up-or-die kind of people. Well, if Anthony’s telling the truth.” He paused. “He owes nine fifty.”

Maurizio shook his head. “Why am I not surprised?”

“I’m sorry I lied to you.” Ryan’s shoulders fell, but his eyes remained steadily on his uncle. And God, I wanted to reach out and hug the guy.

“You’re an honorable man. Just like Dante.” His mouth tightened, and he lightly nodded. “You’ll have the money in the morning.”



“I’m so sorry. For so many things.” Ryan closed the bedroom door and set both palms to it. His broad back flexed, the muscles drawing tight beneath the linen as he bowed his forehead between his hands.

“You don’t owe me any apologies.” I reached for his shoulder, hoping he’d face me, but his hands only turned into fists against the door. “That dinner wasn’t easy for you for so many reasons.”

Chills rolled over my skin at the memory, and I absentmindedly searched for the shawl, forgetting I’d left it outside. I folded my arms and ran my hands along them to try and chase away the chills.

“I think it would have been easier if Maurizio had been the asshole I’d made him out to be in my head all these years.” He finally turned around, and I stepped back to give him space. “Then to discover my mom talks to him regularly . . . that was the icing on the cake. The fact she didn’t think she could share that with me sucks. She was probably worried I’d be pissed or something.”

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered.

“Whether Anthony’s lying about the danger he’s in now or not, what he did to you is unforgivable.” He tilted his head, studying me as if I somehow had the answer to a question he’d yet to ask. “I don’t know how to move on from that.”

I closed the space between us, completely unsure of what to say. On one hand, Anthony had been fully prepared to marry me for ten million dollars, and to be used like that was hard to swallow. But then again, I never loved him, so it truly didn’t hurt.

No, what pained me was seeing how the news impacted Ryan. The pain he felt at that betrayal was what did a number on me.

“I want you to forgive him.” And I meant that. “I think he’ll find even more ways to come between us if you don’t.” I reached for his shirt and tugged, a plea to listen. To not be stubborn. “He’s your brother, and if you let what he did to me destroy your relationship, then I’m pretty sure it’ll eventually destroy ours. Maybe even before it actually starts.” And that thought scared me to death.
