Page 90 of Until You Can't

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She caught some of her tears with her lips, swiping them along the seam of her mouth as she peered at me.

“Let me do this. It’s who I am. What I’m good at.”

“You told me in your truck you’d just be my hero,” she whispered, her tone fragile. “Uniform or not, you’ll always be everyone’s hero.” Her eyes fell closed. “Come back to me,” she murmured, her lids parting again to reveal shimmering green eyes. “No matter what, okay?”

That wasn’t a promise I could make. And it was one reason I’d never shared my feelings for her back while on the Teams. I didn’t think I was strong enough to do that to her. Put her through the wringer of emotions every time I spun up.

To have her worry like my friends’ wives every time the doorbell rang while they’d been deployed, too afraid to answer, terrified someone would be there in dress blues informing them their spouse wasn’t coming home.

I smoothed the pad of my thumb over her cheek before drawing it to her lips. “No matter what happens,” I said, repeating part of her request, “you should know that I, um . . .”

Her mouth opened, and I pulled at her bottom lip with my thumb. More tears fell as she scrunched her brow, studying me. “Hate me?”

“Mm.” My lips twitched into a slight smile. “More like the opposite.” I leaned in and set my mouth to hers, praying to God I’d survive to tell her the real words that’d been on the tip of my tongue.



The fact no one drew their rifles when I parked behind the three black Tahoes alongside the dirt road, meant Noah had given Bravo the heads-up I was en route. And he most likely waited until the last second to do so, or my phone would’ve been blowing up with calls from Owen already.

I exited the Explorer I’d rented and started toward the team as they geared up. From what Noah had told me, they were a half klick away from Hugo Bernard’s temporary digs. Noah wouldn’t be coming from Ibiza to join us. Luke had made up his mind. A Bravo-only mission.

Well, tough shit, I’m here. And God willing, Anthony was still alive for the rescue.

“You shouldn’t be here,” was Owen’s greeting as he walked over to meet me halfway. I overheard Luke curse behind Owen, but I relaxed a bit as it didn’t seem to be about me.

“I hate this place. Bad memories,” I heard Luke saying to no one in particular. I wasn’t sure what that was about, but I didn’t have time to find out.

“I need clothes and a rifle.” I one-arm hugged Owen, then eased back and waited, hoping he’d be on my side. It was zero four hundred, and we were short on time.

“Luke’s in a pissy mood. He hates Monaco. A story for another day. Actually, it’s a classified story, so forget I said anything. But you’re going to have to convince him to let you operate. You know I’ve got your back if you want in,” Owen said with a shrug. “If my brother was in there, whether he was a dickhead or not, I’d go after him. No one would be able to stop me.”

“And it’s my understanding, he’s a real dickhead,” I heard one of the guys gruffly remark, and I turned to locate a familiar voice.

Asher Hayes? I jerked a thumb his way, but I shouldn’t have been shocked to see him there. He was married to Luke’s sister. It’d been a long-ass time since I’d seen him, but he’d once been part of DEVGRU, too.

I let that development sink in as I turned my attention to the other two recognizable men off to Asher’s left. One of the world’s best snipers was there. As well as my friend from BUD/S, Knox, the President’s son. And yet, no Secret Service in sight.

Luke, a Viking of a man with his tall frame, Icelander-blue eyes, and blond hair, headed my way. I couldn’t tell if the look on his face meant he was going to hug me as Owen had or knock me out for being there. “This is a regular day for us. You haven’t operated in three years. Plus, it’s personal for you. Personal makes shit dangerous.”

“Yeah, you’re not one to talk, man.” Owen pointed to the woman sitting inside one of the SUVs, a bulky computer on her lap. It’d been a long time, but I recognized her as Luke’s sister. “Don’t act like you haven’t made it your personal mission to save Jess on more than one occasion.”

Luke reached for my hand and pulled me in for a quick hug instead of hitting me. “I’m sorry this is the reason we’re finally getting to catch up with each other. And I’m even more sorry to tell you that you’re going to be sitting your ass out on this one.”

I peered around at his crew that made up Bravo Team. They could use a sixth man. And they’d be getting one, regardless. “Don’t make me pull rank on you, brother. I served longer, and I’ll—”

“If we’re going to get into a rank pissing match, then so be it.” Luke folded his arms, standing his ground. I glanced at Owen for support, but he just tossed a hand in the air as if to say, I’ll let you two duke it out, I’m not involved. Luke waited for Owen and the others to busy themselves with the gear before talking again. “Technically, I never really left the Navy. So, actually, I outrank you. And now that you know the truth, POTUS will need you to sign something to promise you won’t share that bit of news with the world.”

Clearly, I was right. Clandestine ops for the President. I shook my head. “Well, I’ll sign whatever you need if it means letting me operate.”

Luke glanced at his teammates as they unpacked the gear and weapons from the trunks of the SUVs. My attention moved to Jessica, who was once CIA, and most likely the brains of the op tonight. At least, she was probably the one who put together the intel needed to infil Hugo’s property.

“Listen, I don’t know how your brother got himself mixed up with a guy like Hugo, but I do know we’ve been after this man for a long time. In some weird twist of fate, your brother’s helping us bring down one of Interpol’s most wanted men,” Luke stated as if that were supposed to make me feel better about the insane situation my brother was wrapped up in.

“Go figure all it took to lure an internationally wanted criminal was an ex-lover,” Asher spoke up, eavesdropping as he packed his vest with magazines. He went over to Jessica in the SUV. “Maybe the Agency should use that as a strategy to get the bad guy from now on?” he suggested. It felt like a bit of a jab toward her previous employer. Interesting dynamic between them. Even if Anthony wasn’t involved, it might be fun to hang around just to see them in action.

She slapped the air instead of his face, then turned her attention back to her laptop, ignoring Asher and his laughter. Was he looking to get into a fight to have some makeup sex post-op? Knowing him? Probably.
