Page 91 of Until You Can't

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“Anthony’s my responsibility.” I focused back on Bravo One, the only person I’d need to convince to operate tonight. “You deal with your HVT. I’ll rescue my brother.”

“We could use the extra numbers. This is a last-minute job with nearly no prep,” Jessica spoke up, turning on her seat to look at me for the first time, and I nodded my hello. “Let him roll with the team. POTUS will get over you breaking orders when you bring Hugo in alive.”

I collapsed my arms over my chest, my nerves wired. I was grateful my uncle had allowed me to “commandeer” his jet and forgo his work trip, but even more thankful my uncle’s men had fetched us from the hotel in Charlotte ahead of schedule. If they hadn’t, I’d never have made it to Monaco in time.

Everything happens for a reason. “I’m here, and I’m going in.” Maybe Knox can convince his father? Call the President to get permission for me?

Luke stroked his jaw, his eyes trained on the dirt beneath his boots. “You know I would’ve recruited you back in twenty thirteen if I thought you would have joined, right?”

That wasn’t what I’d been expecting him to say. And I didn’t know how to respond.

“I didn’t think you’d want to leave Alpha,” he added when I remained quiet. He let go of a deep sigh, held one hand up to me, and muttered, “Give me a second.” Luke left my side and went over to the SUV, exchanging a word with Asher and Jessica.

While waiting for him, I reached into my pocket and addressed Owen. “I need you to do me a favor,” I said quietly. He allowed his strap to catch the weight of his rifle as he let go of it. “Here.” I offered him the note I’d written on the plane ride over, but he didn’t take it. “If something goes sideways tonight, get this to Natalia Romano,” I shared, my voice low so Luke wouldn’t overhear. “I have a hundred K in my savings, and you have to make sure that goes to her somehow, okay?”

Owen’s brows snapped together as he studied the letter. “No.” He shook his head. “Like hell am I taking that from you. You know what will happen if I do.” He lifted his palms in the air and backed up. “That’d be a death sentence for you. Fuck that.”

“Please. I can’t go in there not knowing she’ll be taken care of if something goes wrong,” I admitted, my voice raw with emotion at the idea of leaving her like that.

Owen gripped my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. “Then don’t go in there.”

“If something happened to you because of my brother, I couldn’t live with that.” Hell no. “Over my dead body are you going in without me.”

“Dead body?” Owen winced and pulled his hand back only to give me the bird. “You really do have a death wish talking like that.” He waved his hand, telling me to put the letter away. “I agree with Luke now. You’re sitting your ass out on this one. I wouldn’t be able to live with something happening to you.” When I didn’t budge, he let go of a heavy breath. “Look, this is what I do now. Last-minute, barely planned ops with a hell of a lot of risks,” he steadily went on, the implication clear that I didn’t do that. “We’ve got this.”

Before I could challenge him, Luke called me back over, and I shoved the note in my pocket as I approached him. “Yeah?”

I had my back to Asher and Jessica, but I hoped they’d have my six in all of this. That they’d convinced their stubborn team leader to let me join.

“I’d love to work alongside you again, like old times. If I didn’t have orders, or if I wasn’t so worried you’d get hurt.” Luke’s mouth tightened apologetically. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you go.” His eyes went to the sky. “And I’m sorry for this.” He tipped his head to the side, and before I knew it, there was an arm around my neck.

Asher had me in a choke hold. “Sorry, brother, just putting you to sleep.”

Luke turned as I struggled, as I tried to resist Asher. I was strong, but exhausted from jet lag, and frankly, nowhere near in the same shape as Asher. Plus, the guy had a definite height and size advantage over me. Not to mention he’d been an underground MMA fighter once upon a time ago.

I’d fight until my last breath, though. I had to go in there, even if Luke, and now Owen, were too damn stubborn to agree with that.

Everyone except Owen was there now, assisting Asher, since I was fighting them like an angry bear, trying to free myself from his grip. I felt a pinch near my shoulder and realization hit me harder than any blow they would land.

They weren’t trying to knock me out for seconds with a choke hold. They were drugging me.

And damn it . . . I could feel the lights going out, and my eyes slowly fell shut.



“Wake up, Ryan.” Was that a woman’s voice? And was someone slapping my shoulder?

I forced my eyes open, trying to remember where I was and what was going on.

I was in the passenger seat of an SUV, and we were on the move. What the hell is happening?

And then I remembered. Luke had me taken out so I wouldn’t be a pain in his ass and force my way onto his op. I knew he was only following orders, and trying to protect me from destroying my head for good, but . . .

“What’d you guys give me?” I hissed, focusing on the driver of the SUV as I rubbed my arm at the memory of the needle jab.

“Nothing dangerous, and something we could reverse if needed.” Jessica abruptly turned the wheel to make a sharp turn, throwing my sore arm against the passenger door. “And it’s needed.”
