Page 52 of Sinfully Owned

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I straightened up, pulled a wad of bills out of my pocket, and didn't even wait for him to tell me a price, but held out a small stack of the bills to him.

"For mine, hers, your discretion, and your absence in about five seconds," I said, nodding toward the door.

This also invalidated my friendly manner, which he noticed immediately, accepted the money and then took off in such a hurry that I was taken aback. I had expected a discussion, or at least a corresponding comment, but nothing of the sort took place.

Nonchalantly, I turned in Gia's direction, who had retreated a few steps. Wise decision.

Not that I tolerated this behavior. I shook my head, stretched out my hand and with a movement of my finger, beckoning her to come near me again.

She tilted her head, considering whether to obey the silent command or argue with me

Eventually she complied with my request and came closer, her head tilted and careful in her movements.

But as soon as she was within my reach, I grabbed her by the waist, pulled her onto my lap, and reached for her neck to bring her face level with mine, even if it meant holding her in an uncomfortable position.

"You never cease to amaze me, Gia. What a brave move to pick my neck out, knowing full well what my reaction will be to this kind of torture."

"I didn't know " she stammered, but the look in her eyes had already given her away.

While in the car, she had put two and two together and knew that I had a weakness for the pain caused by a tattoo needle.

I shook my head. "You don't have to deny it, I know what's going on in that clever head of yours."

She sparkled at me. "Oh yeah, then what am I thinking about right now?"

I didn't have to think about it for long. "About how you'd just as soon have a quickie on that lounge as I would."

Gia raised an eyebrow. Her hands slid over my chest and between our bodies until her fingers brushed against my still-hard cock. "So why aren't you inside me yet, Dario?"

The undertone in her voice was so lascivious, I had to close my eyes for a moment and collect myself so as not to lose control on the spot.

Gia was cheeky. Unpredictable. Challenging me. Gave me a reason to try harder than I would have. She made sure I was never bored and her presence put me in a permanent state of anticipation. What would happen next? Did she follow my words? Would she give me a glimpse into her past? Her character? Her preferences? Would she draw me into a dangerous situation within the next five minutes that would get my heart pumping and adrenaline whipping through my veins in the way I preferred?


I shook my head. And now she also immortalized herself under my skin. I would never forget this woman, which could in no way mean anything good.

With a growl, I turned us so that she was lying on her back under me. Her body instinctively pressed against mine in just the right way. Gia's hips pushed towards mine. Her hands, still between us, now set about unzipping my pants.

I pulled her top down a bit, my gaze falling on the two wounds below her collarbone. By now they were puckered and about to become scars. With a satisfied grin, I lowered my lips to her neck, kissed her, and bit my way down to her shoulders at progressively shorter intervals. Only when my lips felt the fine ridges on her skin I let my tongue dart out and slide over the wounds.

Memories of the night I had first tasted her flashed through my mind. My hips jerked against hers in a demanding motion.

"Make sure I'm inside you in the next five seconds or this won't be a quickie," I growled into her ear.

At the same moment, I already felt how my hard cock sank between her wet folds. From then on I took the lead. A single thrust and I was deep inside her.

Before she could draw the attention of the whole studio to us with her moans, I pressed my hand over her mouth.

My lips were still against her ear, so she heard the soft laughter that came from my throat. "I love to hear you plead and scream my name, but that should continue to be reserved for me."

I punctuated each word with another thrust of my hips. Her hot breath met my hand, her eyes telling me everything I needed to know.

My possessiveness amused her as much as it turned her on. I gyrated my pelvis, so she felt every inch of my cock and I got to enjoy her warm, wet pussy.

It felt like heaven. To be deep inside her, to feel every contraction of the muscles and to know that it was all my doing. Every twitch of her body, every sound that left her mouth but only reached my ears in a muffled way.

Gia squirmed under me, trying to create even more friction between our bodies, though it was barely possible.
