Page 30 of Extortion

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One hand around the back of her neck. One hand on her hips. I make small, vicious circles, putting relentless pressure on her clit. I’m sure she can’t handle me. I’m sure of it. Every second that she keeps digging her nails into my chest is another small piece of proof.Look, she’s doing it. Look, you’re not breaking her. Look, you could do so much more.

I could do anything.

Maybe it’s the warm, drunk feeling I have right now that makes me believe it. All the broken-bone, shattered-glass parts of me are being smoothed over by how well she stays even when I’m as deep as I can go and bumping against a place that has to hurt.


I answer her by biting her through the shoulder of her jacket. No time to take the damn thing off.

Bristol clenches around me, her eyes closed, and the sound that comes out of her is so raw that I’m forced to cover her mouth with my hand. People could hear that down in the lobby. I feel it go through me. The vibration pulls me in with both hands. I haul her closer, lifting her ass off the desk in the process, and come with my teeth locked down over the bite mark I left before.

I don’t take my hand off her hips because I want to. It’s because I have to hang onto her, otherwise we’ll both fall off the edge of the desk and into an endless, dark hole. My vision has deserted me. I run my nose along the line of her jaw. Find her ear. “This is what I want to do to youconstantly.Worse than this. I’m a monster. You stay away from me, Bristol.”

“Is Greg’s office far enough?”

“I can’t stand the thought of you in that place.”

“So it’s—” She makes a valiant attempt at catching her breath. “So it’s better if I’m with you. Right?”

No. It’s not. For her own good, it’s so much better if she’s not with me. The office fades back in. Bristol tilts her hips and I let her untangle herself from me, then step back so she can hop off the desk. Her skirt is back in place on her thighs before I can blink, and then she’s tucking me back into my pants. Doing the zipper. I reach down to stop her, but she’s already done.

Bristol grabs her purse from the desk and rises on tiptoe. Her lips brush across my cheek. “I’m not afraid of you, and I’m not quitting, and you’re just going to have to get used to it.” She pats her purse. “I’m putting my palm tree on my desk today. You can’t stop me.”

Message delivered, she turns her back on me and walks toward the door with her head held high.


Her hand is already on the handle, poised and waiting, but she looks back. “Yes?”

“Don’t come here again.”

A smile lights up her face. “Okay. You pick the next place, then. I like surprises.”



I showedhim.

Silence follows me out of his office. He doesn’t know what to say. If he did, he’d shout after me. Part of me hopes he will, but that was a triumphant exit. If he came running after me to argue, the moment would lose its dramatic effect.

I feel pretty good right now. Pretty sexed-up, yes, and a little bit in awe of how every time he touches me he seems taller and stronger. That doesn’t make me feel breakable. It makes me feel more powerful, somehow. Will keeps saying that he’llhurtme, like he’s supposed to think I’m fragile but he doesn’t actually believe it.

What hedoesbelieve is that he’s a monster. It’s not the first time he’s said it to me.

I’m a monster. You don’t want me.

And this time, his face buried in my neck:

This is what I want to do to youconstantly. Worse than this. I’m a monster. You stay away from me, Bristol.

His voice was thick with sex. It sounded more like a plea than an order.

Where did he get that idea?

Something to do with the fights at the warehouse? His bruises were still fresh when he told me about those. It was the last day I worked at Summit. I’d been taken aback when he said he went to the fights for the purpose of getting hurt, and I wanted to know why.

Because it feels right.
