Page 49 of Naomi

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But she smiled indulgently, glad that he would enjoy himself. She was pretty sure ballroom dancing had been more her thing, but he’d ended up having fun tonight. Surely, she could do the same tomorrow. And it didn’t sound too bad. Archery had always been her favorite at summer camp.

If we’re still speaking, after I tell him what I’ve done.

Or after I chicken out and avoid letting him claim me.

One way or the other, their relationship was about to sour, and it was all her fault.

The carriage passed over the drawbridge, and she gazed down at the dark water in the moat. She swore she saw movement in there, and then realized it was probably just the reflection of the carriage, warped by the rippling water.

When they arrived in the courtyard, there was a loud creak as the bridge began to slowly lower itself.

Gage helped her down once more and they headed to the entry, Athena trotting along by Gage’s side.

The massive carved doors to the castle swung open to reveal a hall with lavish rugs and paintings as well as a row of life-sized, wooden soldiers wearing shining metal armor.

“Tea and cakes are awaiting you in the royal suite upstairs,” Oberon said. “You can explore the house now, or wait until morning.”

“I’m so tired,” Naomi lied, wondering if Gage would really believe she could just fall asleep when there was so much between them.

“Why don’t you go up and get comfortable,” Gage said. “I’m just going to check out the house a little.”

Stunned, she nodded and headed for the stairs.

She hadn’t expected him to let her out of his sight. Even she could feel the mate bond pulling taut and painful between them, and they were still practically in the same room.

Don’t question it. Just go.

She jogged up the stairs, willing herself to get further away, and hoping that might help.

The landing of the castle’s tower was large enough to have more rugs and floating sofas. She found the royal suite fairly easily because of its sheer size. Three of the seven doors coming off the landing led into its various rooms.

There was a library, a sitting room, and then the bedroom itself, with an attached bath.

Hurriedly, she grabbed a lacy nightgown that was laid out on the bed and took it into the bathroom.

Thankfully, there was a modern refresher as well as a porcelain soaking tub with feet. She didn’t want to take the time to fill a bath. If she could just get cleaned up and into bed, pretending to be asleep, before Gage came back, she might be in the clear.

Something about it reminded her of being a small child and trying to stay up on Hearth Day Eve without her parents knowing.

Focus, Naomi.

A few minutes later, she was showered and dressed in the flimsy gown. She opened the bathroom door a crack, but Gage wasn’t back yet.

As quickly as she could, she dashed across the room and into bed.

Pulling the covers up over her head, she suddenly wondered why he was taking so long downstairs.

It almost seemed like he was avoiding her, too.

But when she thought back to the evening they had shared, and the way he had held her in the carriage, she knew that couldn’t be the case.

She tried to doze off quickly, knowing it would be better if she were actually asleep when he came in than if she were faking it.

But somehow, she felt restless, as if there were a compressed spring in her chest.

She listened to the tick of the old-fashioned clock on the wall as she waited what felt like an eternity for sleep to take her.

