Page 65 of Naomi

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“Look,” Naomi breathed.

He followed her eyes to a small building of about three stories, with what looked like a greenhouse on top. It was surrounded by a garden.

The lampposts pulsed all the way to the front door.

Naomi let go of his hand to sprint for the entrance, slamming her little palm against the sensor, panting and laughing at the same time.

“Easy, my mate,” he teased as he jogged up to join her. “Save some of that energy for me.”

But he felt the same desperate pull, in spite of everything that had happened today. His pulse pounded, and he was already so hard he hurt with his need to claim her.

The door swung open to reveal a simple living room with elegant modern furniture.

Naomi ran for the stairs and a predatory instinct kicked up in him.

He thundered after her, his feet pounding the stairs as they passed the second floor and kept going, past the third.

Naomi didn’t stop until she reached the greenhouse. The door hissed open, unleashing the lush, fertile scent of flourishing plant life.

She slipped inside and he followed, soaking in the warm, humid air as he brushed past lacy leaves and swollen blossoms, still trembling from Naomi’s passage.

At last, the wild growth opened up to reveal a wooden platform holding a mattress draped in silky sheets.

Twinkling fairy lights adorned the bushes all around the bower bed, illuminating Naomi’s face, which was already lit up with delight.

“This is the right place?” he asked her gently.

She nodded up at him, her eyes luminous, fingers already moving to the slide on her dress.

He watched, not daring to move, as she swept her thumb down and the dress slipped off her shoulders, pooling at her feet.

Without taking her eyes from his, she released her undergarments, wiggling out and letting them fall.

His heart threatened to pound out of his chest as she moved to him.

He was ready for her to press that delicate, bare form to his, but she attacked his clothing instead, gently touching every slide until he was wearing nothing at all.

“Naomi,” he groaned. “As soon as I touch you, things are going to get very intense, very quickly. We should probably talk about what’s going to happen.”

“You talk,” she said. “I’ll listen.”

She pressed her soft lips to his chest, and he felt it in every cell of his body.

Closing his eyes, he forced himself to concentrate.

“What’s going to happen is called the mating frenzy,” he said, through a clenched jaw, trying to ignore the sweet lips currently trailing down to his abs. “Do you know what that is?”

“No,” she whispered as she knelt, her breath tickling his left hip.

“Naomi, what are you doing?” he rasped.

But it was too late, she had reached her hand out to lightly caress his throbbing cock.

The sensation lit him up from inside and he hissed in a breath. It took all he had not to wrench her hand away and bury himself in her, her mouth, her sex, any part of her would do.

“Does it hurt?” she asked softly, taking her hand away. “It’s so swollen. Or does it only feel good?”

“Only feels good,” he murmured, unable to yank her to her feet.
