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I make up my mind to do whatever it takes to leave this prison with Ferris tonight, right now if possible. Last time, the Atlantic City vampires made me wait down here for hours while they met with Ferris upstairs, but I can’t wait. I need to be safe in his arms, even if he doesn’t know he likes holding me in them yet.

“Your what?” Jake growls. “Who the fuck are you?”

I risk opening my eyes again, relieved to see his penis back in his pants. But his fangs are still out for show and tell and I don’t want to have a close encounter with them, either.

“I’m Ferris Blackmore, of the Nightfall Blackmores,” Ferris says, his gaze shifting from Jake’s face to mine as he adds, “And I’m here to collect my fiancée, Felicity Wonderfully.”

My jaw drops and every spinning cell in my body freezes in shock.

Fiancée? That’s different than the first time around, but I’m not about to contradict him. Time travel changes some things, but not something like a marriage proposal.

If I were actually engaged to Ferris, I would remember saying “yes.”

I’d remember meeting him at all before I met him here the first time, in fact…

So, I nod and play along. “I’m so glad you’re here,” I sob.

“Don’t cry, baby,” he says, making the word sound lovely and sweet, not gross and demeaning the way it did when Jake said it. “I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. You’re under my protection. By vampire law.”

“You’ll have to prove it, bucko,” Jake says, cutting Ferris off when he starts to speak, “Not just to me. To my clan and my king. That strawberry tart owes us money and we mean to collect in flesh and blood.”

“Fine, let’s go upstairs,” Ferris says, glancing back at me, his good heart in his eyes. “I’ll be back for you, Felicity. Don’t be afraid. And don’t worry about the disappearing act at your sister’s place in Nightfall. I understand.”

Disappearing act? My sister’s place?

Could he mean last night? That night…eight weeks in the future?

Could Ferris have time travelled with me somehow?!

I nod, on the verge of confessing my undying love for him—not because of the fake fiancée thing, but because I’m pretty sure I’ve never been as grateful to anyone as I am to Ferris for giving me hope someone might finally understand the chaos that is my life—but Jake is already shoving him back down the hall.

Soon, I’m alone with nothing but my thoughts, the cold, and the one friendly rat who brought me a piece of bread the last time I was here.

But this time, I have more in my corner than a friendly rat.

I have Ferris and a feeling my life is about to change forever.
