Page 44 of Wolf Pawn

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I pull in a breath, about to say something to that effect—that we’re too much alike and should take time to cool off before we say something we can’t take back—when she says, “Fine. Lock me up in the nursery. It’s not like I’ll be there for long. I’m sure Bane will let me out once he takes over.”

Fury and the sting of betrayal dumps into my bloodstream. “Careful, little girl. Threatening your Alpha is treason. Unless you want to end up in a cell, charged as an enemy to this pack, you should choose your next words very carefully.”

She clenches her jaw and narrows her eyes, but she doesn’t say a word for a long, loaded moment.

Then she whispers, “Fine. See you later, brother. Good luck with all your very important business.”

Then she turns and runs down the hall, slipping into the elevator behind two women dressed in childcare worker uniforms.

I hesitate a beat, wondering if I should call someone to head to the gym to check on her, but Hermione is getting some much-needed rest, and Diana will likely be easier to talk to after her run.

And I should be the one to talk to her.

She’s my sister, and I love her. I need to mend the rift between us as best I can. With time to prepare, I can find a way to make her understand why I did what I did last night without spilling too many personal details.

I believe that.

Or I tell myself I do, right up to the moment I push inside Diana’s apartment to see Willow’s guards passed out on the kitchen floor and a note on the marble countertop that reads—


I’m gone. So is your sister.

And you have no choice but to let us go.

Don’t try to find us. If you do, and you force us back here, you won’t like what my pack gift has to say about you, Shadow King. Stay here, stay quiet, and I’ll do my best to save your pathetic excuse for a life.

Come for me, and I will be your worst fucking nightmare.

And that?

That’s a promise, big bad. And I never break my promises.

Here’s hoping our paths never cross again,


I crush the paper in my fist, my jaw clenching so tight it feels like it’s about to snap in half.

Then I grab my phone and put out an all-points alert for the capture and containment of both Willow and Diana.

There’s no way my sister’s been able to get out of the building yet. I will catch her, and Willow, and then we’ll all have a long talk about what comes next for fated mates who threaten their Alphas and sisters who betray their brothers.

Willow clearly assumes she’s in control.

But she has another think coming.

I’m no Shadow King. I’m a man determined to keep the people he loves safe, even if he has to hold them prisoner to make that happen.

“You can run, little wolf,” I mutter as I pace in front of Diana’s windows, waiting for the medics to arrive for the guards. “But I will catch you.”

And I will.

It’s only a matter of time.
